Synonyms for value judgment
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of value judgment
- noun assessment about values
- It is, as usual, the psychological characteristics of the value judgment that attract Dewey's attention.
- Extract from : « John Dewey's logical theory » by Delton Thomas Howard
- Value as established, Dewey continues, must be taken into consideration in making a value judgment.
- Extract from : « John Dewey's logical theory » by Delton Thomas Howard
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adjudge
- be of value
- day judgment
- Day of Judgment
- de valuate
- de-valuate
- de-valuated
- de valuated
- de valuates
- de-valuates
- de valuating
- de-valuating
- de valuation
- de-valuation
- de-valuations
- de valuations
- de-value
- de value
- de valued
- de-valued
- de values
- de-values
- de-valuing
- de valuing
- devaluate
- devalue
- devalued
- ethical values
- evaluate
- evaluating
- evaluatings
- evaluation
- evaluative criticism
- evaluator
- evaluators
- face value
- form judgment
- highly valued
- ill-judged
- in valuable
- invaluable
- judge
- judge advocate
- judge and jury
- judge from
- judge jury
- judged
- judgelike
- judges
- judges from
- judging
- judgmatic
- judgment
- judgment call
- Judgment Day
- judgmental
- Last Judgment
- last judgments
- maturity value
- misjudgment
- nominal value
- nominal values
- of value
- overvaluation
- overvalue
- overvalued
- overvalues
- overvaluing
- pass judgment
- pass judgment on
- passes judgment
- prejudge
- prejudgment
- raise the value of
- raising the value of
- raising value of
- re evaluate
- re-evaluate
- re-evaluated
- re evaluated
- re-evaluates
- re evaluates
- re-evaluating
- reevaluate
- revalue
- seat of judgment
- stated value
- take at face value
- take before the judge
- takes at face value
- taking at face value
- taking face value
- the Judgment
- undervalue
- valuable
- valuables
- valuate
- valuation
- value
- value-added tax
- value judgment
- value system
- value-system
- value systems
- valued
- valueless
- values
- valuesystem
- valuesystems
- valuing
- valuings
- was of value
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