Synonyms for preliminary

Grammar : Adj, noun
Spell : pri-lim-uh-ner-ee
Phonetic Transcription : prɪˈlɪm əˌnɛr i

Top 10 synonyms for preliminary Other synonyms for the word preliminary

Définition of preliminary

Origin :
  • 1660s, from French préliminaire and directly from Medieval Latin praeliminaris, from Latin prae- "before" (see pre-) + limen (genitive liminis) "threshold" (see limit (n.)). A word that arose in reference to negotiations to end the Thirty Years' War. Earliest attested form in English is preliminaries (n.), 1650s.
  • adj introductory, initial
  • noun introductory event; beginning
Example sentences :
  • The time expended in these preliminary lessons will be well spent.
  • Extract from : « Flying Machines » by W.J. Jackman and Thos. H. Russell
  • To return from this preliminary digression to the examinations.
  • Extract from : « The Bay State Monthly, Vol. 1, Issue 1. » by Various
  • As a preliminary to acquiring it is he to be shut out from the society of his fellows?
  • Extract from : « Shelley, Godwin and Their Circle » by H. N. Brailsford
  • The first of these preliminary processes is that which is done by the sliver-lapper.
  • Extract from : « The Fabric of Civilization » by Anonymous
  • The same end may be attained without any preliminary process.
  • Extract from : « The Captain of the Pole-Star and Other Tales » by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Then I will try again; you will understand me better when I have made some preliminary remarks.
  • Extract from : « The Republic » by Plato
  • That he will, if he may be allowed to make one or two preliminary remarks.
  • Extract from : « Philebus » by Plato
  • But, before going further, there are some preliminary matters which have to be considered.
  • Extract from : « Laws » by Plato
  • Our excavating this season will be but preliminary, of course owing to our late start.
  • Extract from : « Galusha the Magnificent » by Joseph C. Lincoln
  • "I tried to buy that fly paper we wanted today," he observed, as a preliminary.
  • Extract from : « The Woman-Haters » by Joseph C. Lincoln

Antonyms for preliminary

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