Synonyms for traced
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : treys |
Phonetic Transcription : treɪs |
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Définition of traced
Origin :- late 14c., "to make a plan or diagram," from Old French trasser "delineate, score, trace, follow, pursue" (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *tractiare "delineate, score, trace" (cf. Spanish trazar "to trace, devise, plan out," Italian tracciare "to follow by foot"), from Latin tractus "track, course," literally "a drawing out," from past participle stem of trahere "to pull, draw" (see tract (n.1)).
- Meaning "to pass over" (a path, etc.) is attested from late 14c.; that of "track down, follow the trail of" is early 15c., from trace (n.1). Sense of "draw an outline of" is first recorded late 14c. Meaning "copy a drawing on a transparent sheet laid over it" is recorded from 1762. Related: Traced; tracing.
- adj copied
- adj tracked
- Division on public questions can no longer be traced by the war maps of 1861.
- Extract from : « United States Presidents' Inaugural Speeches » by Various
- They had been traced eventually to a certain department, that in which Mary worked.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- Dilly bent, and traced the outline of a leaf with her finger.
- Extract from : « Meadow Grass » by Alice Brown
- She traced the outline of her left eyebrow, and put it right.
- Extract from : « Little Dorrit » by Charles Dickens
- The theft of old Galloway's bank-note has been traced to Arthur Channing.
- Extract from : « The Channings » by Mrs. Henry Wood
- The history of the families connected with the parish must be traced.
- Extract from : « English Villages » by P. H. Ditchfield
- On his father's side a pedigree of three generations can be traced.
- Extract from : « Concerning Cats » by Helen M. Winslow
- The man's whole evening has been traced without the slightest difficulty.
- Extract from : « The Avenger » by E. Phillips Oppenheim
- Something like the same legend has been traced as far south as Panama.
- Extract from : « Storyology » by Benjamin Taylor
- There is not any reasoning by which the evidences of depravity are to be traced in 17.
- Extract from : « Modern Painters Volume II (of V) » by John Ruskin
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abstract composition
- abstract design
- abstract principle
- abstract thought
- abstracted
- abstractedly
- abstraction
- abstractly
- academic track
- attract
- attracted
- attraction
- attractions
- attractive
- attractive woman
- backtrack
- backtrackings
- be attracted
- be attracted to
- be contracted
- be on the track of
- believed abstraction
- by contract
- cinder track
- contraception
- contract
- contracted
- contracted for
- contraction
- contractions
- contractor
- cut a track
- cutting a track
- de tract
- de-tract
- de traction
- de-traction
- de-tractions
- de tractions
- de-tractive
- de tractor
- de-tractor
- de-tractors
- de tractors
- de tracts
- de-tracts
- detract
- detract from
- detraction
- detractive
- detractor
- detractory
- distract
- distracted
- distractedly
- distraction
- drive to distraction
- employment contract
- extract
- extractable
- extraction
- extracurricular activity
- fast track
- fast tracked
- fast tracking
- fatal attraction
- fault trace
- gat off the track
- gat off track
- gat the track
- gat track
- gestural abstraction
- get off the track
- get off track
- get sidetracked
- get the track
- get track
- gets off the track
- gets off track
- gets the track
- gets track
- getting off the track
- getting off track
- getting the track
- getting track
- hypnotic attraction
- in the abstract
- in tractability
- in tractable
- in tractableness
- in tractablenesses
- inside track
- intracervical insemination
- intractability
- intractable
- intractableness
- intractably
- keep track of
- keeping track of
- keeps track of
- kept track of
- kick over the traces
- kick over traces
- kicked over the traces
- kicked over traces
- kicking over the traces
- kicks over traces
- labor contract
- laugh soundtrack
- leave no trace
- leave trace
- leave tracks
- leaved no trace
- leaves no trace
- leaves trace
- leaving no trace
- left no trace
- left tracks
- magistracy
- main attraction
- make attractive
- make tracks
- not protracted
- off beaten track
- off the beaten track
- off-track
- off track
- off track betting
- off-track betting
- offtrack
- on the right track
- on the wrong track
- on track
- one track mind
- one-track mind
- onetrack mind
- ostracism
- ostracization
- ostracizations
- ostracize
- ostracized
- protract
- protracted
- put out a contract
- putting out a contract
- race track
- racetrack
- radar tracking station
- re trace
- re traced
- re traces
- re tracing
- re tracings
- re tract
- re traction
- re tractions
- re tracts
- retrace
- retract
- retracted
- retractile
- retraction
- sexual attraction
- sidetrack
- skip tracer
- speed track
- substract
- subtract
- subtraction
- sweetheart contract
- to distraction
- trace
- traceable
- traced
- tracery
- tracing
- track
- track down
- trackable
- tracked vehicle
- tracker
- tracking station
- tracking system
- trackless
- tract
- tractability
- tractable
- tractableness
- tractate
- ultraconservative
- un attractive
- unattractive
- visual tracking station
- walk the tracks
- walking tracks
- was attracted to
- yellow-dog contract
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