Synonyms for ticketing

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : tik-it
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtɪk ɪt

Top 10 synonyms for ticketing Other synonyms for the word ticketing

Définition of ticketing

Origin :
  • 1520s, "short note or document," from a shortened form of Middle French etiquet "label, note," from Old French estiquette "a little note" (late 14c.), especially one affixed to a gate or wall as a public notice, from estiquer "to affix, stick on, attach," from Frankish *stikkan, cognate with Old English stician "to pierce" (see stick (v.)).
  • Meaning "card or piece of paper that gives its holder a right or privilege" is first recorded 1670s, probably developing from the sense of "certificate, license, permit." The political sense of "list of candidates put forward by a faction" has been used in American English since 1711. Meaning "official notification of offense" is from 1930; parking ticket first attested 1947. Big ticket item is from 1970. Slang the ticket "just the thing, what is expected" is recorded from 1838, perhaps with notion of a winning lottery ticket.
  • As in marking : noun making a mark upon
  • As in name : verb give a title
  • As in tag : verb label; attach label
  • As in classify : verb categorize
Example sentences :
  • This ticketing is a curious and characteristic feature of the trade.
  • Extract from : « Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 458 » by Various
  • We know how deeply the Anglo-Saxon mind resents any social "ticketing."
  • Extract from : « Modern Women and What is Said of Them » by Anonymous
  • And all this for want of making up his knowledge into proper bundles and ticketing them.
  • Extract from : « Feeding the Mind » by Lewis Carroll
  • He was ticketing and folding samples of petticoats, pajamas, blouses, and night-gowns.
  • Extract from : « Half Portions » by Edna Ferber
  • Our comprehension of it is not helped by ticketing it "decadent" or "unhealthy," for those are empty adjectives of prejudice.
  • Extract from : « Aspects and Impressions » by Edmund Gosse
  • My best record was ticketing about six thousand seven hundred in one day.
  • Extract from : « Working With the Working Woman » by Cornelia Stratton Parker
  • George Robinson soon perceived this, and suggested that the ticketing should be abandoned.
  • Extract from : « The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson » by Anthony Trollope
  • The ticketing of goods at prices below their value is not to our taste, but the purchasing of such goods is less so.
  • Extract from : « The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson » by Anthony Trollope
  • But he was not of the metal to accept tamely such a ticketing from the hat of destiny (via the Clerk of the House).
  • Extract from : « Mr. Crewe's Career, Complete » by Winston Churchill
  • It was not until weeks later that her mind sifted these conflicting ideas, placing and ticketing each in its proper relation.
  • Extract from : « Elizabeth Hobart at Exeter Hall » by Jean K. Baird

Antonyms for ticketing

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