Synonyms for tapestry
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : tap-uh-stree |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈtæp ə stri |
Définition of tapestry
Origin :- mid-15c., variant of tapissery (early 15c.), from Middle French tapisserie "tapestry" (14c.), from tapisser "to cover with heavy fabric," from tapis "heavy fabric," from Old French tapiz (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *tappetium, from Byzantine Greek tapetion, from classical Greek, diminutive of tapes (genitive tapetos) "tapestry, heavy fabric," probably from an Iranian source (cf. Persian taftan, tabidan "to turn, twist"). The figurative use is first recorded 1580s.
- noun curtain
- On the walls were hung some pieces of tapestry, where there were not bookcases.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- The posters, maculated with filth, garnished like tapestry the sweep of the curbstone.
- Extract from : « The Secret Agent » by Joseph Conrad
- There had been just room, and no more, for Clara to stand between the tapestry and the books.
- Extract from : « Wilfrid Cumbermede » by George MacDonald
- In a costume other than evening clothes, he might have walked out of a tapestry.
- Extract from : « The Paliser case » by Edgar Saltus
- After a drawing, now in the Louvre, for Raphaels tapestry cartoons.
- Extract from : « John Baptist Jackson » by Jacob Kainen
- No drawn picture stirred him to the extent that did the tapestry of a city street.
- Extract from : « Erik Dorn » by Ben Hecht
- He cornered her at last and she stopped with her back to the tapestry with which the room was hung.
- Extract from : « Giants on the Earth » by Sterner St. Paul Meek
- My wife copied the tapestry from an original in the Metropolitan Museum.
- Extract from : « The Status Civilization » by Robert Sheckley
- A representation of the landing is one of the designs in the Bayeux tapestry.
- Extract from : « Highways & Byways in Sussex » by E.V. Lucas
- It is not a tapestry nor a picture—it is primarily a window.
- Extract from : « The Story of Glass » by Sara Ware Bassett
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adhesive-tape
- adhesive tape
- cut the red tape
- magnetic tape unit
- make a tape
- packing tape
- put on tape
- red tape
- Scotch tape [tm]
- sealing tape
- strapping tape
- tape
- tape deck
- tape drive
- tape machine
- tape-measure
- tape measure
- tape-record
- tape record
- tape recorded
- tape-recorded
- tape recorder
- tape recording
- tape-recording
- tape records
- tape-records
- tape up
- tapeds
- taper
- taper holder
- taper off
- taper/taper off
- taperecord
- taperecorded
- taperecording
- taperecords
- tapered
- tapered off
- tapering
- tapering off
- tapering point
- tapers
- tapers off
- tapestry
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