Synonyms for speechmaker
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : speech-mey-ker |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈspitʃˌmeɪ kər |
Top 10 synonyms for speechmaker
Définition of speechmaker
- noun speaker
- "Yea, Earl, you're quite a speechmaker," cried his brother gleefully.
- Extract from : « Fighting in France » by Ross Kay
- I am no speechmaker, but this you may rely on while I continue to be Harry Jekyl.
- Extract from : « St. Ronan's Well » by Sir Walter Scott
- In after years I sailed under the command of this speechmaker.
- Extract from : « From Sail to Steam, Recollections of Naval Life » by Captain A. T. Mahan
- I wish to say—as you would know if you lived in Michigan—that I am not a speechmaker.
- Extract from : « Speeches of Benjamin Harrison » by Benjamin Harrison
- I am not much of a speechmaker, and I assure you that little effort cost me a good deal of thought.
- Extract from : « The Golden Butterfly » by Walter Besant
- "I am no speechmaker," began Daniel Boone, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.
- Extract from : « Scouting with Daniel Boone » by Everett T. Tomlinson
- As the speechmaker cracked the neck with his sword, the bottle burst in a thousand pieces, drenching everyone with wine.
- Extract from : « Everyman's Land » by C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
- The Coast Miwok have such orators; among those Indians the office of speechmaker is a special one.
- Extract from : « Francis Drake and the California Indians, 1579 » by Robert F. Heizer
Words or expressions associated with your search
- deliver a speech
- deliver speech
- delivered a speech
- delivered speech
- delivering a speech
- delivers a speech
- figure of speech
- figure speech
- flowery speech
- free speech
- freedom of speech
- gave speech
- Godspeed
- high-speed
- high speed
- lose speed
- made speechless
- make speechless
- native speech
- pick up speed
- pretty speech
- quicken one's speed
- quicken one speed
- quickened ones speed
- quickened speed
- quickening one speed
- quickening ones speed
- quickens one speed
- reduce speed
- speech
- speechless
- speechlessness
- speechmaker
- speed
- speed of sound
- speed track
- speed trap
- speed up
- speedball
- speedboat
- speedier
- speedily
- speediness
- speeding
- speedster
- speedwalking
- speedy
- up to speed
- walking for speed
- warp speed
Most wanted synonyms
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