Synonyms for special case
Sorry, there is no synonym available for special-case.
However, these words or phrases may match your search:
- aerial perspective
- airtight case
- aspect
- aspects
- basket case
- basket-case
- basketcase
- be case
- be on case
- be on one case
- be on one's case
- be on ones case
- be one case
- be one's case
- be ones case
- be specific
- be speckling
- be the case
- bespeckle
- bookcase
- briefcase
- briefcase computer
- carcase
- carcases
- carcass/carcase
- case-harden
- case-hardened
- case history
- case in point
- case law
- case of emergency
- case of need
- case of nerves
- case out
- case point
- case reflections on
- caseation
- casehardened
- casehardening
- casehardenings
- casehardens
- casement
- cases
- cases out
- casework
- celebrated case
- circumspect
- circumspection
- circumspectly
- computer specialist
- disrespect
- disrespected
- disrespectful
- disrespectfully
- disrespectfulness
- electromagnetic spectrum
- encase
- encased
- especial
- especially
- exaggerated respect
- extreme case
- federal case
- gat off someones case
- gender-specific
- get off someone's case
- gets off someone's case
- gets someone case
- getting off someone's case
- had a case
- had a prospect of
- had aspects of
- had case
- had prospect of
- had respect to
- had the aspects of
- haddest a case
- haddest aspects of
- haddest case
- haddest prospect of
- haddest the aspects of
- hadst a case
- hadst a prospect of
- hadst aspects of
- hadst case
- hadst prospect of
- hadst the aspects of
- hard case
- has a case
- has a prospect of
- has aspects of
- has case
- has prospect of
- has the aspects of
- hast a case
- hast a prospect of
- hast aspects of
- hast case
- hast prospect of
- hast the aspects of
- hath a case
- hath a prospect of
- hath aspects of
- have a case
- have a prospect of
- have respect to
- have the aspects of
- hold in respect
- human species
- hypocritical respect
- in a few cases
- in all respects
- in any case
- in any respect
- in case
- in case that
- in every respect
- in other respects
- in prospect
- in respect to
- in specie
- in spects
- in that respect
- in the case that
- inspect
- inspected
- inspection
- inspector
- introspection
- introspective
- jump on one case
- jump on one's case
- jump on ones case
- jump one case
- jump ones case
- jumped one case
- jumping on ones case
- jumping one's case
- jumping ones case
- jumps case
- jumps on one case
- jumps on one's case
- jumps one case
- jumps ones case
- lack of respect
- make a special effort
- make a spectacle of
- make federal case
- make special effort
- making a special effort
- mental case
- more special
- most special
- nonspecialist
- nonspecific
- not specific
- nothing special
- nothing specials
- nothing to do with the case
- nut case
- nutcase
- on the case
- one's specialty
- open and shut case
- open-and-shut case
- open-and-shut cases
- pass inspection
- passed inspection
- payed respects
- paying respects
- pays respects
- perfect specimen
- perspective
- prospect
- prospecting
- prospective
- prospectus
- prove a case
- radio-frequency spectrum
- radio spectrum
- re spect
- re spects
- respect
- respectability
- respectable
- respected
- respectful
- respectfully
- respecting
- respective
- respectively
- respects
- retrospect
- retrospective falsification
- sad spectacle
- Saturday-night special
- Saturday night special
- self-respect
- smearcase
- spec
- special
- special day
- special delivery
- special edition
- special effects
- special handling
- special-interest group
- special interests
- special police
- special project
- special theory of relativity
- specialist
- speciality
- specialize
- specialized
- specially
- specially made
- specialties
- specialty
- specie
- species
- specific
- specifically
- specificate
- specification
- specifications
- specificize
- specified
- specify
- specifying
- specimen
- speciousness
- speck
- speckle
- speckled
- speckless
- spectacle
- spectator
- spectators
- spectral
- spectrum
- speculate
- speculated
- speculating
- speculation
- speculative
- speculative enterprise
- speculator
- speculators
- suitcase
- suspect
- systems software specialist
- take special pains
- typical case
- uncircumspect
- unspecified
- unsuspected
- unsuspecting
- vanity case
- visible spectrum
- was case
- was on case
- was on one case
- was on ones case
- was one case
- was one's case
- was ones case