Synonyms for sleeping policeman
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of sleeping policeman
- As in speed bump : noun hindrance to speeding
- Then we slips over into the yards below Riverside Drive, taking due care not to wake up no sleeping policeman on the way.
- Extract from : « Sundry Accounts » by Irvin S. Cobb
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ace up one's sleeve
- ace up sleeve
- acropolis
- African sleeping sickness
- african sleeping sicknesses
- air sleeve
- apple polish
- apple-polish
- apple-polisher
- apple polisher
- asleep
- asleep at the switch
- asleep on the job
- be sleepy
- beauty sleep
- body politic
- card up one's sleeve
- card up one sleeves
- card up ones sleeves
- cosmopolitan
- cosmopolite
- de-spoliation
- de spoliation
- de spoliations
- de-spoliations
- deep sleep
- dirty politics
- dreaming sleep
- eat sleep and breathe
- environmental policy
- equal rights policy
- eternal sleep
- extra sleep
- fabian policies
- Fabian policy
- fall asleep
- falling asleep
- falls asleep
- fell asleep
- final sleep
- gambling police
- geopolitical study
- geopolitics
- geopolitik
- go to sleep
- half asleep
- harp polisher
- impolite
- impolitely
- impoliteness
- impolitic
- kitchen police
- last sleep
- let-alone policy
- lull to sleep
- make sleepy
- member of body politic
- metropolis
- metropolitan
- microsleep
- military police
- monopolize
- monopolizing
- necropolis
- numbers policy
- open-door policy
- oversleep
- party policy
- playing politics
- police
- police car
- police force
- police officer
- police officers
- police photograph
- police van
- police vehicle
- police wagon
- police woman
- policeman
- policewoman
- policies
- policing
- policy
- policy change
- policyspeak
- polish
- polish off
- polished
- polished manners
- polite
- polite remark
- polite society
- politely
- politeness
- politesse
- politic
- political
- political action committee
- political correctness
- political favor
- political home
- political liberty
- political practice
- political views bias-free
- politically
- politically correct
- politician
- politicians
- politics
- polity
- prostitution police
- put to sleep
- rapid eye movement sleep
- rapid-eye-movement sleep
- REM sleep
- send to sleep
- silent policeman
- sleek
- sleep
- sleep on
- sleeper
- sleeper car
- sleepiness
- sleeping
- sleeping car
- sleeping pill
- sleeping policeman
- sleeping sickness
- sleeping suit
- sleepless
- sleepless eye
- sleeplessness
- sleepy
- sleet
- sleeted
- sleety
- special police
- spoliation
- spot of sleep
- tactical police
- unpolished
- unsleeping
- wait-and-see policy
- wink of sleep
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