Synonyms for sacrarium
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : suh-krair-ee-uh m |
Phonetic Transcription : səˈkrɛər i əm |
Définition of sacrarium
- noun sanctuary
- Sacrarium, the part of a temple where the sacred things were deposited.
- Extract from : « The Children of Westminster Abbey » by Rose G. Kingsley
- Superfice (Dryden) has not put superficies, nor sacrary (Hacket) sacrarium, nor limbeck alembic, out of use.
- Extract from : « English Past and Present » by Richard Chevenix Trench
- Alt′ar-rails, rails separating the sacrarium from the rest of the chancel.
- Extract from : « Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D) » by Various
- It spans the whole of the choir, and is continued along the sides of the sacrarium, forming sedilia of four seats on either side.
- Extract from : « Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Durham » by J. E. Bygate
- There is a richly-sculptured monument of a bishop on the southern side of the sacrarium.
- Extract from : « Some Account of Gothic Architecture in Spain » by George Edmund Street
- In the sacrarium is a small brass, showing a kneeling figure and an armorial shield, dedicated to George Littlebury, 1612.
- Extract from : « A Key to Lord Tennyson's 'In Memoriam' » by Alfred Gatty
- Yet it really has a genuine claim to its motto: Sacrarium regis, cunabula legis.
- Extract from : « Through East Anglia in a Motor Car » by J. E. (James Edmund) Vincent
- At the back of the Nymphum is a hall called the Sacrarium, in which it is supposed the statue of Serapis stood.
- Extract from : « Old Rome » by Robert Burn
Words or expressions associated with your search
- Holy Sacrament
- massacre
- nonsacred
- sacra
- sacrament
- sacrament of the sick
- sacramental
- sacramental offering
- sacrarium
- sacred
- sacred cow
- sacred place
- sacred word
- sacred writ
- sacred writings
- sacred writs
- sacredness
- sacrifice
- sacrifice cross
- sacrifice hit
- sacrifice on cross
- sacrifice on the cross
- sacrifice the cross
- sacrificed
- sacrifices
- sacrificial
- sacrificial lamb
- sacrificing
- sacrilege
- sacrileged
- sacrileging
- sacrilegious
- sacrosanct
- sacrosanctity
- sacrum
- self-sacrifice
- self-sacrificing
- the Sacrament
- too sacred for words
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