Synonyms for reverend mother
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of reverend mother
- As in mother superior : noun head nun
- We did not go next day to Benediction at the Reverend Mother's church.
- Extract from : « The Woman Thou Gavest Me » by Hall Caine
- The reverend mother desires me to inform you that it is now the hour for mass—she has herself already entered the chapel.
- Extract from : « Vendetta » by Marie Corelli
- I had learned that the reverend mother superior was the same over us in the convent as the priest in the confessional and church.
- Extract from : « The Demands of Rome » by Elizabeth Schoffen
- They are perils,” replied the father, “that should not be told to the pure ears of the reverend mother.
- Extract from : « The Betrothed » by Alessandro Manzoni
- If you desire to fish, I doubt not our reverend mother will make you welcome to our pond yonder.
- Extract from : « The Hour and the Man » by Harriet Martineau
- Such was the representation which sister Claire made to her reverend mother, on the first opportunity.
- Extract from : « The Hour and the Man » by Harriet Martineau
- Euphrosyne had a strong persuasion, all the while, that she should one day tell her reverend mother the whole.
- Extract from : « The Hour and the Man » by Harriet Martineau
- Whatever it be, reverend mother, do we not all, does not every one quake when Madame Ogé comes abroad?
- Extract from : « The Hour and the Man » by Harriet Martineau
- Will you ask the reverend mother to let me stay with you awhile, dear Euphrasie?
- Extract from : « The Catholic World; Vol. IV.; October, 1866, to March, 1867. » by E. Rameur
- Soon the reverend mother rose discreetly, said good-bye, expressed her thanks for the visit.
- Extract from : « Old People and the Things That Pass » by Louis Couperus
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be revealed
- behemoth
- biological mother
- birth prevention
- chemotherapy
- Congreve
- Congreve match
- earth mother
- fairy godmother
- fairy godmothers
- father/mother
- foremother
- get revenge
- getting revenge
- go into reverse
- grandmother
- Great Mother
- housemother
- in reverse
- irreverence
- irreverent
- irreverential
- irreversible accomplishment
- irreversible act
- irreversible truth
- keep forever
- mammoth
- mammoths
- method of preventing pregnancy
- Montezuma's revenge
- moth
- mothball
- mother
- Mother Carey's chicken
- mother country
- Mother Earth
- mother goddess
- mother lode
- Mother Nature
- Mother of God
- Mother of our Lord
- mother superior
- mother tongue
- mother wit
- motherboard
- motherfucker
- motherland
- motherly
- natal mother
- natural mother
- nomothetic
- now and forever
- now forever
- prevenience
- prevenient
- prevent
- prevent publication
- preventative
- prevented
- prevention
- preventive
- preventive custody
- preventive medicine
- queen mother
- reveal
- revealed
- revealer
- revealing
- revel
- revel in
- revelation
- reveler
- reveling
- revelment
- revelry
- revenant
- revenge
- revenue
- reverberate
- reverberating
- reverberation
- revere
- revered
- reverence
- reverend
- reverend mother
- reverent
- reverential
- reverie
- reversal
- reverse
- reverse side
- reversible
- reversing
- reversion
- revert
- revetment
- smother
- smothering
- take out of mothballs
- take revenge
- unrevealed
- unrevealing
- wherever
- wife and mother
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