Synonyms for retrogressive
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : re-truh-gres-iv |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌrɛ trəˈgrɛs ɪv |
Définition of retrogressive
Origin :- "tending to move backward," 1785, from Latin retrogress-, past participle stem of retrogradi "move backward, go backward" (see retrograde) + -ive. Related: Retrogressively.
- adj backward
- The reformer who was so recently "retrogressive" had now become a rival in reform.
- Extract from : « Socialism As It Is » by William English Walling
- But man in himself, essentially, is at once progressive and retrogressive.
- Extract from : « Modern Skepticism » by C. J. Ellicott
- Scott, it must be remembered, was a retrogressive influence.
- Extract from : « James Frederick Ferrier » by Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane
- He is in fact a representative of retrogressive development.
- Extract from : « The Evolutionist at Large » by Grant Allen
- This is one of the retrogressive measures which are daily occurrences in Russia.
- Extract from : « Woman and Socialism » by August Bebel
- Henceforth their history was to show a retrogressive movement.
- Extract from : « Antony Waymouth » by W.H.G. Kingston
- Further than this retrogressive and imitative movement he never seemed to go.
- Extract from : « Twelve Types » by G.K. Chesterton
- But he draws no conclusion except that spiritualism is retrogressive.
- Extract from : « Cock Lane and Common-Sense » by Andrew Lang
- In Music a retrogressive step in which there is much hope, has been taken.
- Extract from : « Charles Dickens and Music » by James T. Lightwood
- The development of the adult from the larva is, as has already been stated, in the main a retrogressive metamorphosis.
- Extract from : « The Works of Francis Maitland Balfour, Volume III (of 4) » by Francis Maitland Balfour
Words or expressions associated with your search
- data retrieval
- information retrieval
- intelligent retrieval
- irretrievable
- meretricious
- retrace
- retract
- retracted
- retractile
- retraction
- retread
- retreat
- retreated
- retreating
- retreats
- retrench
- retribute
- retribution
- retrieval
- retrieve
- retriever
- retrocede
- retrocession
- retroflux
- retrograde
- retrogress
- retrogression
- retrogressive
- retrospect
- retrospective falsification
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019