Synonyms for resonance
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : rez-uh-nuh ns |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈrɛz ə nəns |
Définition of resonance
Origin :- mid-15c., in acoustics, "prolongation of sound by reverberation;" 1660s, "act of resonating;" from Middle French resonance (15c.), from Latin resonantia "echo," from resonare "to sound again" (see resound). Earlier in same sense was resonation (early 15c.).
- noun reverberation
- Every resonance of his house was familiar to Mr Verloc, who was thoroughly domesticated.
- Extract from : « The Secret Agent » by Joseph Conrad
- When the distance is too short for the reflecting sound to be heard, we have resonance.
- Extract from : « Practical Mechanics for Boys » by J. S. Zerbe
- In this connection the topics of registers and resonance are often combined.
- Extract from : « The Psychology of Singing » by David C. Taylor
- The resonance of the mouth cavity is also of great importance.
- Extract from : « How it Works » by Archibald Williams
- Might, commented Frank, and then, What about that resonance coil?
- Extract from : « The Radio Detectives Under the Sea » by A. Hyatt Verrill
- It was in that same article that told about the resonance coils.
- Extract from : « The Radio Detectives Under the Sea » by A. Hyatt Verrill
- It was a woman's voice, with a resonance of wonderful power and beauty.
- Extract from : « The Knight of Malta » by Eugene Sue
- The sound heard in seashells and in other hollow bodies is due to resonance.
- Extract from : « Physics » by Willis Eugene Tower
- There was a resonance in the voice as though it emerged from hollows underground.
- Extract from : « Incredible Adventures » by Algernon Blackwood
- We need em all, he repeated, with the resonance of hard decision.
- Extract from : « Cursed » by George Allan England
Words or expressions associated with your search
- adventuresome
- adventuresomeness
- available resources
- be irresolute
- be resolute
- be resolved
- boresome
- decisive resource
- entresol
- financial resources
- find human resources
- gather resources
- human resources
- irresolute
- irresoluteness
- irresolution
- key resource
- last-resort
- last resort
- last resource
- last resources
- lastresort
- natural-resource
- natural resource
- natural resources
- nonresonant
- overventuresome
- pecuniary resources
- pool resources
- resolute
- resolutely
- resolution
- resolve
- resolved
- resolvedly
- resonance
- resonant
- resonantly
- resort
- resort to
- resorting
- resound
- resounding
- resource
- resourceful
- resourcefully
- resourcefulness
- resources
- tiresome
- tiresomely
- tiresomeness
- venturesome
- venturesomely
- venturesomeness
- was irresolute
- without resources
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