Synonyms for res publica
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : reys poo-bli-kah; English reez puhb-li-kuh, reys |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈreɪs ˈpu blɪˌkɑ; English ˈriz ˈpʌb lɪ kə, ˈreɪs |
Définition of res publica
- As in body politic : noun people as political whole
- Res publica, the common concern, remains vague and latent till defined by impartial, disinterested social organs.
- Extract from : « Ethics » by John Dewey and James Hayden Tufts
- Ita omnia in duas partes abstracta sunt, res publica, quae media fuerat, dilacerata.
- Extract from : « De Bello Catilinario et Jugurthino » by Caius Sallustii Crispi (Sallustius)
- The Roman state, or as they said, the commonwealth (res publica) was governed by the consuls, two magistrates elected each year.
- Extract from : « History Of Ancient Civilization » by Charles Seignobos
- Kings may be a necessity, yet the thing of the state is not theirs, but is the common property of the citizens, res publica.
- Extract from : « With Americans of Past and Present Days » by J. J. Jusserand
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be made public
- be published
- certified public account
- certified public accountant
- declared publicly
- E-publishing
- e publishing
- e publishings
- e-publishings
- electronic publishing
- epublishing
- epublishings
- general public
- going public
- in public
- in public interest
- in the public eye
- Internet publishing
- john jane q. public
- John/Jane Q. Public
- john-jane q. public
- john/jane q public
- john jane q public
- john-jane q public
- john jane q. publics
- john-jane q. publics
- john/jane q. publics
- john-jane q publics
- john q public
- John Q. Public
- john q. publics
- john q publics
- johnjane q. public
- johnjane q public
- johnjane q. publics
- johnjane q publics
- made public
- make public
- making public
- no longer published
- non-public
- nonpublic
- not for publication
- not public
- online demand publishing
- online publishing
- prevent publication
- public
- public accountant
- public address system
- public bathroom
- public crib
- public debt
- public esteem
- public land
- public library
- public-opinion poll
- public press
- public print
- public prosecutor
- public relations consultant
- public relations expert
- public relations officer
- public relations person
- public sale
- public servant
- public spirit
- public-spirited
- public television
- public till
- public transportation
- public trough
- publication
- publicist
- publicity
- publicize
- publicizer
- publish
- published
- publishing
- re public
- re publics
- republic
- republican
- res publica
- vanity publisher
- was made public
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