Synonyms for re petitions
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : puh-tish-uhn |
Phonetic Transcription : pəˈtɪʃ ən |
Top 10 synonyms for re petitions
- abundance
- acclamation
- account
- addition
- adequation
- alikeness
- alliteration
- analogue
- analogy
- answer
- assignment
- augmentation
- augmenting
- background
- backsliding
- beat
- broken record
- call
- carbon
- chant
- cheers
- chip off the old block
- chorus
- circumlocution
- clone
- companion
- compounding
- constancy
- constitutional
- coordinate
- copiousness
- copy
- copycat
- correlate
- counterfeit
- counterpart
- counterscript
- daily dozen
- dead ringer
- description
- detailing
- diffuseness
- diffusion
- ditto
- double
- dress
- drilling
- dry run
- dupe
- echo
- effect
- emphasis
- encore
- enumeration
- equality
- equivalency
- excess
- experience
- fable
- facsimile
- fake
- fall
- fall from grace
- faltering
- fellow
- frequency
- frequentness
- garrulity
- germination
- gym
- habituation
- halting
- hesitation
- homework
- identicalness
- identity
- imitation
- increase
- indistinguishability
- ingemination
- instruction
- intermittence
- invocation
- iteracy
- iterance
- iteration
- knockoff
- lapse
- learning
- learning by doing
- likeness
- list
- litany
- logorrhea
- long-windedness
- lookalike
- loquaciousness
- loquacity
- loss
- lurch
- maneuvers
- manifolding
- marching
- match
- mate
- memorization
- memorizing
- memory
- mirror
- mirror image
- monotony
- musical
- musicale
- narration
- no difference
- number
- obverse
- oneness
- onomatopoeia
- operation
- oscillation
- overabundance
- par
- parallel
- paraphrase
- parity
- parroting
- pause
- performance
- periodicity
- perseveration
- persistence
- petition
- phony
- photocopy
- Photostat
- pirate
- plaudits
- pleonasm
- portrayal
- practice
- praise
- prayer
- predictability
- preparation
- prepping
- presentation
- prevalence
- procreation
- prolixity
- pulsation
- reading
- reappearance
- rebound
- recapitulation
- recidivism
- reciprocal
- recital
- recitation
- recountal
- recounting
- recurrence
- redundance
- redundancy
- reduplication
- reduplification
- reentrance
- reflection
- refrain
- regression
- regularity
- rehearsal
- reiteration
- relating
- relation
- renewal
- reoccurrence
- reoccurring
- repeat
- repeat performance
- repeating
- repercussion
- repetition
- repetitiousness
- repetitiveness
- replay
- replica
- replication
- reply
- report
- repro
- reproducing
- reproduction
- rerun
- resemblance
- reshowing
- response
- restatement
- retracing
- retreat
- retrogression
- return
- reverberation
- reversion
- revolution
- revolving
- rhetoric
- rhythm
- ringer
- ringing
- rotating
- rotation
- rote
- routine
- rubber stamp
- run-through
- seasoning
- second
- selfsameness
- setback
- shakedown
- similarity
- spitting image
- splutter
- sputtering
- staccato
- stammering
- standardization
- stat
- statement
- stoppage
- story
- study
- stumble
- stutter
- stuttering
- superfluity
- supplication
- system
- tale
- tautology
- tedium
- telling
- training
- tryout
- tune-up
- turn for the worse
- turning back
- twin
- uniformity
- unison
- unity
- unvariedness
- use
- verbiage
- verboseness
- verbosity
- warm-up
- windiness
- wobble
- wordage
- wordiness
- work-out
- workout
- worsening
- Xerox
Définition of re petitions
Origin :- early 14c., "a supplication or prayer, especially to a deity," from Old French peticion "request, petition" (12c., Modern French pétition) and directly from Latin petitionem (nominative petitio) "a blow, thrust, attack, aim; a seeking, searching," in law "a claim, suit," noun of action from past participle stem of petere "to make for, go to; attack, assail; seek, strive after; ask for, beg, beseech, request; fetch; derive; demand, require," from PIE root *pet-, also *pete- "to rush; to fly" (cf. Sanskrit pattram "wing, feather, leaf," patara- "flying, fleeting;" Hittite pittar "wing;" Greek piptein "to fall," potamos "rushing water," pteryx "wing;" Old English feðer "feather;" Latin penna "feather, wing;" Old Church Slavonic pero "feather;" Old Welsh eterin "bird"). Meaning "formal written request to a superior (earthly)" is attested from early 15c.
- As in litany : noun recital of items, often part of religious services
- As in practice : noun exercise, application
- As in recital : noun narrative, rendering
- As in relapse : noun deterioration, weakening
- As in repeat : noun something done over; duplicate
- As in repetition : noun duplication; doing again
- As in sameness : noun likeness, similarity
- As in iteration : noun redundancy
- As in multiplication : noun duplication
- As in redundancy : noun verbosity
- As in returning : noun the act of coming back
- As in rote : noun learning
- As in wordiness : noun verbosity
- As in rote : noun memorization
- As in identicalness : noun sameness
- As in pleonasm : noun wordiness
- As in prolixity : noun wordiness
- As in reappearance : noun recurrence
- As in recurrence : noun repeated happening
- As in reoccurrence : noun recurrence
- As in selfsameness : noun sameness
- As in stammering : noun stammer
- As in stuttering : noun stammer
- As in verboseness : noun wordiness
- As in drill : noun practice, exercise
- As in duplicate : noun copy, reproduction
- As in echo : noun repeat, copy
- As in encore : noun another round of applause; repeat
- As in frequency : noun commonness, repetitiveness
Antonyms for re petitions
- abstention
- achievement
- archetype
- conciseness
- decrease
- difference
- directness
- disagreement
- discord
- dissimilarity
- enemy
- excitement
- healing
- idleness
- ignorance
- imbalance
- inaction
- inequality
- infrequency
- instance
- irregularity
- lack
- loss
- model
- need
- neglect
- opposite
- original
- progress
- prototype
- question
- reality
- reduction
- refrain
- request
- reverse
- straightforwardness
- strengthening
- subtraction
- success
- terseness
- truth
- uncommonness
- unlikeness
- variableness
- variety
- want
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019