Synonyms for quadruples
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : kwo-droo-puh l, -druhp-uh l, kwod-roo-puh l |
Phonetic Transcription : kwɒˈdru pəl, -ˈdrʌp əl, ˈkwɒd rʊ pəl |
Top 10 synonyms for quadruples
Définition of quadruples
Origin :- late 14c., from Middle French quadrupler, from Late Latin quadruplare "make fourfold, multiply by four," from Latin quadruplus (adj.) "quadruple, fourfold" (see quadruple (adj.)).
- As in four : noun four of something
- Because the duty is enormous, and quadruples the price of the salt to the farmer.
- Extract from : « Thirty Years' View (Vol. I of 2) » by Thomas Hart Benton
- Perhaps he quadruples his stake, nay, perchance, hits on the lucky number.
- Extract from : « The Gaming Table: Its Votaries and Victims » by Andrew Steinmetz
Words or expressions associated with your search
- death squad
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- quadragenarian
- quadragesimal
- quadrangle
- quadrant
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- quadratical
- quadriceps reflex
- quadrigeminal
- quadrigeminals
- quadrilateral
- quadrille
- quadripartite
- quadripartition
- quadriplegic
- quadrivia
- quadrivial
- quadrivium
- quadrumvirate
- quadruped
- quadruple
- quadruples
- quadruplet
- quadruplicate
- squad
- squad car
- squadron
- vice squad
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