Synonyms for put to the test
Grammar : Verb |
Top 10 synonyms for put to the test Other synonyms for the word put to the test
- aim
- appraise
- assay
- audition
- be all ears
- bug
- case
- check out
- check over
- check up
- delve
- diagnose
- dig
- endeavor
- evaluate
- experiment
- experimentalize
- eyeball
- feel out
- fit
- fool with
- frisk
- futz around
- give a try
- give a tryout
- give the once over
- go into
- have a crack
- have a dry run
- have a fitting
- have a go
- have a shot
- have at it
- inquire
- inquisite
- investigate
- judge
- labor
- listen in
- look into
- look over
- look-see
- make a run at
- make a trial run
- make inquiry
- match up
- mess around
- muckrake
- nose around
- offer
- play around with
- poke
- practice
- practice with
- probe
- prospect
- prove
- prove out
- pry
- put into practice
- put to the proof
- put to the test
- question
- read
- reconnoiter
- research
- review
- run down
- run idea by someone
- run it up a flagpole
- sample
- scout
- scrutinize
- search
- see how it flies
- see how wind blows
- seek
- send up a balloon
- shake down
- sift
- speculate
- spy
- stack up
- stake out
- strive
- struggle
- study
- substantiate
- take a stab at
- take a whack at
- take on
- tap
- taste
- test
- toil
- travail
- try
- try for size
- try on
- try on for size
- try out
- undertake
- validate
- venture
- verify
- wear
- weigh
- wiretap
- work
Définition of put to the test
- As in investigate : verb check into thoroughly
- As in test : verb examine, quiz
- As in try : verb experiment, test
- As in try on/try out : verb evaluate, test
- As in essay : verb try, attempt
- As in experiment : verb investigate, test
Antonyms for put to the test
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019