Synonyms for posse comitatus
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pos-ee kom-i-tah-tuh s, -tey- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpɒs i ˌkɒm ɪˈtɑ təs, -ˈteɪ- |
Définition of posse comitatus
- As in SWAT team : noun special weapons and tactics team
- The marshal then summoned a posse comitatus of two thousand men.
- Extract from : « Union and Democracy » by Allen Johnson
- The door opened, and the posse comitatus entered with the prisoner.
- Extract from : « My Miscellanies, Vol. 2 (of 2) » by Wilkie Collins
- The posse comitatus was also summoned, and it quickly responded.
- Extract from : « Memoirs of Orange Jacobs » by Orange Jacobs
- We must call out the Posse Comitatus, and sail with them bodily.
- Extract from : « Westward Ho! » by Charles Kingsley
- It also held that the organized military could be summoned and used by a civil officer as a part of the posse comitatus.
- Extract from : « The Middle Period 1817-1858 » by John William Burgess
- No citizen is bound to an active execution of this law, unless called upon as one of the posse comitatus.
- Extract from : « Report of the Proceedings at the Examination of Charles G. Davis, Esq., on the Charge of Aiding and Abetting in the Rescue of a Fugitive Slave » by Various
- This was the Posse Comitatus, the force of the county, and was under the command of the sheriff.
- Extract from : « Scenes and Characters of the Middle Ages » by Edward Lewes Cutts
- It was at once resolved to direct the sheriffs to raise the posse comitatus.
- Extract from : « London and the Kingdom - Volume III » by Reginald R. Sharpe
- That was all he said; and as for thinking, he had the posse comitatus of seven counties to think of.
- Extract from : « Hereward, The Last of the English » by Charles Kingsley
- Did me and you have a search warrant or a posse comitatus when we rounded up them six Mexican cow thieves down in Hidalgo?
- Extract from : « Sixes and Sevens » by O. Henry
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bare possibility
- be coming
- be comings
- be forthcoming
- be in possession of
- be possessed of
- becoming
- came in to possession
- came into possession
- comic
- comic artist
- comic book
- comic/comical
- comic drama
- comical
- coming
- coming after
- coming from
- coming next
- coming out of ears
- coming unstuck
- coming up short
- comity
- concomitance
- dispossess
- dispossessed
- earthly possession
- earthly possessions
- employment possibility
- encomiastic
- encomiastical
- encomium
- forthcoming
- gain possession
- gat what is coming one
- get what is coming
- get what is coming one
- get what is coming to one
- getting what is coming to one
- good possibility
- haddest coming
- hardly possible
- hast it coming
- have coming
- have it coming
- household possessions
- if possible
- impossibility
- impossible
- impossibles
- impossibly
- in coming
- in comings
- in else possession
- in elses possession
- in someone else's possession
- keep possession
- keeping possession
- keeps possession
- least possible
- made possible
- main comic
- make possible
- makes possible
- making possible
- more comic
- more comical
- more coming
- not forthcoming
- not impossible
- not impossibly
- of impossible feats by tricks abracadabra
- oncoming
- opera comique
- opossum
- out coming
- posse
- posse comitatus
- possess
- possessed
- possession
- possessions
- possessive
- possessor
- possessory
- possibility
- possible
- possibly
- possum
- prepossess
- prepossessed
- re possess
- re possessed
- re possesses
- re possessing
- re possession
- re possessions
- remote possibility
- repossess
- Second Coming
- Second Coming of Christ
- see coming
- see it coming
- self-possessed
- self-possession
- shortcoming
- stand-up comic
- standup comic
- Sunday comics
- take possession
- take possession of
- takes possession
- takes possession of
- taking possession of
- unbecoming
- unbecomingness
- unforthcoming
- unprepossessed
- up-and-coming
- was coming
- welcoming
- within realm of possibility
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