Synonyms for permanent wave
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pur-muh-nuhnt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpɜr mə nənt |
Définition of permanent wave
Origin :- early 15c., from Middle French permanent (14c.) or directly from Latin permanentem (nominative permanens) "remaining," present participle of permanere "endure, hold out, continue, stay to the end," from per- "through" (see per) + manere "stay" (see mansion). As a noun meaning "permanent wave," by 1909. Of clothing, permanent press attested from 1964.
- As in body wave : noun hair curling treatment
- A pretty mess I was, as bad as a woman getting a permanent wave.
- Extract from : « Cue for Quiet » by Thomas L. Sherred
- A subtitle announced: "He had put a permanent wave in Marcel."
- Extract from : « Merton of the Movies » by Harry Leon Wilson
- Her cheek nested in his permanent wave, Warble studied the pictures.
- Extract from : « Ptomaine Street » by Carolyn Wells
- His walnut hair was fine and silky, but a permanent wave made it fuzz forth in a bushy crinkle that was distractingly lovely.
- Extract from : « Ptomaine Street » by Carolyn Wells
- Also she's a home-grown siren that works without the aid of a lip-stick, permanent wave, or an eyebrow pencil.
- Extract from : « Torchy and Vee » by Sewell Ford
- And Mrs. Garvey turns the color of a fire hydrant clear up into her permanent wave.
- Extract from : « Torchy As A Pa » by Sewell Ford
- That would take the permanent wave out of your hair, old grouch!
- Extract from : « The Campfire Girls on Station Island » by Margaret Penrose
- She still clung to the bobbed henna wig with its permanent wave.
- Extract from : « Mary Louise and Josie O'Gorman » by Emma Speed Sampson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acoustic wave
- be on same wavelength
- be on the same wavelength
- be permeated by
- be permitted
- be the same wavelength
- coordinated successive crowd wave
- earthquake wave
- flag-waver
- frequency wave
- giant wave
- give permission
- go on the airwaves
- grant permission
- hypermedia
- hypermetropia
- impermanent
- impermanently
- impermeability
- impermeable
- impermissible
- Mach wave
- mach waves
- made waves
- make waves
- makes waves
- making waves
- microwave
- new wave
- newspaperman
- newspaperman/woman
- not permanently
- not permitted
- on same wavelength
- on the same wavelength
- permafrost
- permanence
- permanency
- permanent
- permanent address
- permanent army
- permanent press
- permanent press clothes
- permanent-press fabric
- permanent wave
- permanently
- permanents
- permeable
- permeate
- permeated
- permeates
- permeating
- permeation
- permed
- permissibility
- permissible
- permissibly
- permission
- permissive
- permit
- permitted
- permitting
- permittings
- permutable
- permutate
- permutation
- radio wave
- rogue wave
- seismic sea wave
- seismic wave
- shock wave
- shortwave
- sine wave
- spermicidal cream
- supermarket
- surface wave
- tidal wave
- unwavering
- unwaveringly
- was on the same wavelength
- wave
- wave maker
- wave mechanics
- waveless
- waver
- wavering
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