Synonyms for pastille
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : pa-steel, -stil |
Phonetic Transcription : pæˈstil, -ˈstɪl |
Définition of pastille
- As in cough drop : noun medicated lozenge
- As in lozenge : noun medicinal dose
- Those mosquitoes have paid you out for that pastille—by Jove, they have!
- Extract from : « The Travelling Companions » by F. Anstey
- Perhaps he exhales a delicate scent, as he chews a pastille.
- Extract from : « The Physiology of Marriage, Complete » by Honore de Balzac
- A pastille (lozenge) is a disc-shaped sweetmeat, but a pastel (crayon) is a pencil made of coloured chalk.
- Extract from : « The International Auxiliary Language Esperanto » by George Cox
- There was, even on the little stone staircase, a faint odour of pastille or scent spray, or something of feminine suggestion.
- Extract from : « From One Generation to Another » by Henry Seton Merriman
- But upon Oswald De Gex, who was still munching his pastille, the odour apparently had no effect.
- Extract from : « The Stretton Street Affair » by William Le Queux
- It seemed as though some pastille were burning somewhere, for soon it became almost sickening, an odour utterly overbearing.
- Extract from : « The Stretton Street Affair » by William Le Queux
- Scenes taken from mythology were done in what was known as "pastille," composition work raised and painted on a gold background.
- Extract from : « Woman as Decoration » by Emily Burbank
- The pastille produced its effect; the poet felt a sudden inspiration, left the hall and flew to compose the projected satire.
- Extract from : « The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction, Vol. 17, Issue 495, June 25, 1831 » by Various
- The pastille fizzes, and begins to emit a dense white smoke, and a suffocating odour.
- Extract from : « The Travelling Companions » by F. Anstey
Words or expressions associated with your search
- break with past
- break with the past
- danish-pastry
- Danish pastry
- dig into the past
- distant past
- French pastry
- get past
- gridiron pastime
- in past
- in recent past
- in the past
- in times past
- past
- past behavior
- past belief
- past crisis
- past due
- past hope
- past life experience
- past-life experience
- past life experiences
- past master
- past one prime
- past one's prime
- past ones prime
- past prime
- past recollection
- past regret
- pasta
- paste
- paste up
- paste-up
- pasted on
- pasted up
- pastel
- pastelike
- pastels
- pastes up
- pasteup
- pasteurize
- pasteurized
- pasteurizeds
- pasteurizing plant
- pasticci
- pasticcio
- pastiche
- pastille
- pastime
- pastiness
- pasting
- pasting up
- pastings
- pastlife experience
- pastor
- pastoral
- pastoral care
- pastoralist
- pastoralists
- pastorals
- pastorate
- pastries
- pastry
- pastry maker
- pastry shop
- pasturage
- pasture
- pastured
- pasturing
- pasty
- putting out to pasture
- remote past
- repast
- spastic
- spastic paralysis
- sugar paste
- work of a past master
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