Synonyms for panic button
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of panic button
- noun alarm button
- "I certainly pushed the panic button on that young man," he said.
- Extract from : « The Lani People » by J. F. Bone
- Chow thought some Martian monsters were invading us, and sort of pushed the panic button.
- Extract from : « Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung » by Victor Appleton
- Now, you listen carefully: If you push the panic button on this one without cause, I will personally flay you alive.
- Extract from : « Missing Link » by Frank Patrick Herbert
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abuttals
- abutted
- abutting
- accompanied
- accompanies
- accompaniment
- accompaniments
- accompanist
- bread and butter
- butt
- butt against
- butt/buttocks
- butt end
- butt in
- butte
- butter up
- butterball
- buttercup
- butterfingered
- butterfingers
- butterflies
- butterfly
- buttering up
- buttery
- butting
- buttinski
- buttocks
- button
- button down
- button up
- buttoned down
- buttoned up
- buttonhole
- buttress
- campanile
- campaniles
- companion
- companionable
- companionless
- companions
- companionship
- had butterflies
- haddest butterflies
- hadst butterflies
- has butterflies
- hast butterflies
- have butterflies
- in a panic
- keeping companies
- neat as a button
- neat as button
- ol' buttermilk sky
- on the button
- pain in the butt
- panic
- panic attack
- panic button
- panic disorder
- panic stricken
- panicked
- panicking
- panicky
- panicstricken
- push button
- push panic button
- push the button
- push the buttons
- pushing the panic button
- re buttal
- re-buttal
- re-buttals
- re buttals
- re butted
- re-butted
- re butting
- re-butting
- re-buttings
- re buttings
- rebuttal
- scuttlebutt
- Spanish
- Spanish fly
- tympanic membrane
- tympanies
- un accompanied
- unaccompanied
- uncompanionable
- without accompaniment
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