Synonyms for noting
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : noht |
Phonetic Transcription : noÊŠt |
Définition of noting
Origin :- c.1300, "a song, music, instrumental music; a musical note," from Latin nota "letter, character, note," originally "a mark, sign, means of recognition," which is perhaps related to notus, past participle of noscere (Old Latin *gnoscere) "to know" (see know). Meaning "notice, attention, reputation" is early 14c. Meaning "brief writing" is from 1540s.
- adj noticing
- In this way the density of the ether has been deduced by noting the velocity of light.
- Extract from : « The Machinery of the Universe » by Amos Emerson Dolbear
- But noting my hesitation, and misconstruing it, she forestalled me.
- Extract from : « Bardelys the Magnificent » by Rafael Sabatini
- Noting the pause and the look, Esteban bounded forward, his face livid.
- Extract from : « Captain Blood » by Rafael Sabatini
- "Monsieur de Lesperon," she called softly to me, noting my silence.
- Extract from : « Bardelys the Magnificent » by Rafael Sabatini
- But Tolto, noting that the princess had not followed, hurried out in search for her.
- Extract from : « The Martian Cabal » by Roman Frederick Starzl
- Noting she looked hurt at his abruptness, he kissed her quickly.
- Extract from : « The End of Time » by Wallace West
- The secretary, noting the figure which toppled so grimly into the room, fainted.
- Extract from : « The Mind Master » by Arthur J. Burks
- But Crispin, noting the hesitation, stifled it by appealing to the lad's fears.
- Extract from : « The Tavern Knight » by Rafael Sabatini
- Noting her eagerness, he smiled and his eyes filled with playful tenderness.
- Extract from : « The Moon is Green » by Fritz Reuter Leiber
- Mern jerked away the paper, noting that its letterhead was his own.
- Extract from : « Joan of Arc of the North Woods » by Holman Day
Words or expressions associated with your search
- at short notice
- de noting
- de-noting
- death notice
- denoting
- deserve notice
- fail notice
- failed notice
- failed to notice
- failing notice
- failing to notice
- fails notice
- fails to notice
- fantastic notion
- final notice
- fool notion
- gave notice
- give notice
- hardly noticeable
- has notion
- have a notion
- hypnotic
- hypnotic attraction
- hypnotics
- hypnotize
- hypnotized
- hypnotizing
- not noticeably
- notice
- notice board
- notice mariner
- notice similarities
- notice to mariners
- noticeable
- noticeably
- noticed
- noticing
- noticings
- notification
- notifications
- notified
- notifier
- notify
- noting
- noting down
- notings
- notion
- notional
- notions
- on short notice
- preconceived notion
- take no notice
- take no notice of
- take notice
- take notice of
- takes notice of
- taking notice of
- unnoticeable
- unnoticed
- unnoticing
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