Synonyms for money order
Grammar : Noun |
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Définition of money order
- As in draft : noun check for paying money
- At the same time she returned to him a money order which he had sent to her.
- Extract from : « Orley Farm » by Anthony Trollope
- In February, 1855, the money order system was first introduced into Canada.
- Extract from : « Canadian Postal Guide » by Various
- These forms are supplied gratuitously at all money order offices.
- Extract from : « Canadian Postal Guide » by Various
- Orders for literature should be accompanied by check or money order.
- Extract from : « The Social Significance of the Modern Drama » by Emma Goldman
- Alaska has now 170 post offices of which 45 have money order facilities.
- Extract from : « The American Postal Service » by Louis Melius
- In the United States there is at present no money order office.
- Extract from : « North America, Volume II (of 2) » by Anthony Trollope
- The Money Order office forms a distinct establishment of itself, and a curious institution it is.
- Extract from : « The International Monthly, Volume 4, No. 3, October, 1851 » by Various
- Do you have any information on the money order for the pistol or how the pistol was paid for, or was there a money order?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- Have you found now in your records the money order number that was involved in the purchase of the rifle?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (7 of 26): Hearings Vol. VII (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- In her letter, the wife enclosed a money order for $1 out of $1.20, the total amount of money which she possessed.
- Extract from : « America's War for Humanity » by Thomas Herbert Russell
Words or expressions associated with your search
- accorded
- afforded
- apple-pie order
- attention deficit disorder
- be ordered
- be orderly
- be out of order
- border
- bordering on
- borderland
- borderline
- borders
- camcorder
- cassette recorder
- combat disorder
- come to order
- commoners
- commonest
- Concorde
- contingency money
- corrupt money
- counterorder
- delayed-stress disorder
- digital money
- disordered
- disorderliness
- disorderly
- e-money
- earn money
- earned money
- earnest money
- earning money
- earns money
- eating disorder
- electronic money
- established order
- even money
- extra money
- fake money
- false money
- fiat money
- folding money
- follow orders
- front money
- gag order
- gammoned
- genetic disorder
- get out of order
- Holy Orders
- horde
- hormone
- hush money
- in apple-pie order
- in disorder
- in good order
- in order
- in order that
- in order to
- in order to avoid
- in order to get
- in short order
- in the money
- in working order
- just what was ordered
- large order
- large orders
- law and order
- law and orders
- lay money on
- liberation money
- mad money
- made money
- made of money
- made order
- made-to-order
- made to order
- mail order
- mail-order selling
- major orders
- make money
- make order
- make to order
- makes order
- makes to order
- making money
- making order
- making to order
- meter money
- middle order
- monetary
- money
- money in the bank
- money-making
- money-market fund
- money market funds
- money on hand
- money order
- moneybag
- moneyed class
- moneyed man
- moneymaking
- Mr. Moneybags
- Mr Moneybags
- nervous disorder
- neurotic disorder
- new money
- next in order
- not recorded
- of highest order
- old money
- on the borderline
- on the money
- on the order of
- ordeal
- order
- order about
- order archival
- order around
- order back
- order blank
- order business
- order event
- order events
- order form
- order of business
- order of event
- order of events
- order of payment
- order of the day
- order of things
- order things
- order to testify
- ordered
- ordered back
- ordering
- ordering back
- ordering form
- orderings
- orderless
- orderlies
- orderliness
- orderly
- orderly process
- orders
- orders back
- orders to move on
- out of order
- panic disorder
- paper-money
- paper money
- passworded
- pecking order
- personality disorder
- pin money
- pocket money
- post-traumatic stress disorder
- pour money into
- prize money
- put in order
- put in working order
- put into order
- put money on
- put out of order
- put up money for
- putting in order
- putting out order
- putting up money
- putting up money for
- raise money
- raised money
- raises money
- raising money
- re corded
- re-corded
- re-corder
- re order
- re-order
- re-ordered
- re ordered
- re ordering
- re-ordering
- re orders
- re-orders
- re worded
- ready money
- recorded
- recorder
- repetitive strain disorder
- right money
- seasonal affective disorder
- sensorimotor disorder
- small amount of money
- smart money
- spending money
- startup money
- summoned
- take orders
- takes orders
- taking orders
- tall order
- tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble
- tall orders
- tape recorded
- tape-recorded
- tape recorder
- taperecorded
- teleordering
- teleorderings
- well-ordered
- what the doctor ordered
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