Synonyms for marked transformation
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for marked transformation
Définition of marked transformation
- As in sea change : noun major change
Words or expressions associated with your search
- administrant
- advancing market
- air transportation
- automatic transmission
- back entrance
- bad mark
- be mark
- be marked at
- be off mark
- be off the mark
- benchmark
- birthmark
- black and blue mark
- black mark
- black marketeer
- bookmark
- call mark
- casual remark
- Common Market
- corner the market
- critical remarks
- cutting remark
- de-marked
- de marking
- de-marks
- declining market
- demark
- demarks
- disentranced
- earmark
- earmarked
- earmarkings
- entrance
- entrance hall
- entrance ways
- entranced
- entrancement
- entranceway
- entrancing
- entrancingly
- entrant
- estrange
- estranged
- estrangement
- extraneous
- farmers' market
- farmers' markets
- farmers markets
- find market
- flea market
- free market
- gene-transmitted disease
- hadst transaction
- hair transplant
- hallmark
- has transaction
- hash mark
- hast transaction
- hateful remark
- have the earmarks of
- have transaction
- hit the mark
- horse tranquilizer
- in a marked degree
- in a trance
- in marked degree
- in market
- in the market
- in transit
- inbounds marker
- intransigence
- intransigency
- intransigent
- landmark
- landmarks
- leave a mark
- leave mark
- leave stranded
- leaved a mark
- leaved mark
- leaves a mark
- leaves mark
- leaving a mark
- leaving mark
- leaving stranded
- left a mark
- left mark
- left stranded
- made mark
- make an entrance
- make mark
- make marketable
- makes entrance
- making an entrance
- mark
- mark down
- mark out
- mark time
- mark up
- marked
- marked transformation
- markedly
- marker
- market
- marketer
- marketing expert
- marketplace
- marking
- marking time
- marks
- marks time
- mass transit
- miss the mark
- money-market fund
- money market funds
- no stranger to
- non transparent
- non-transparent
- nontransferable
- nontranslucent
- nontransparent
- not markedly
- odd strange
- off market
- off the mark
- on the mark
- open market
- opening remark
- outrank
- penetrant
- perfect stranger
- phonetic transcription
- play the market
- Plimsoll mark
- pockmark
- polite remark
- postmark
- price mark
- price-marked
- public transportation
- putting the market
- putting trance
- question mark
- radio marker
- rail rapid transit
- rapid transit
- re entrance
- re entrances
- re-mark
- re mark
- re marked
- re-marking
- re marks
- re-marks
- re monstrance
- re-monstrance
- re-monstrances
- re monstrances
- recalcitrance
- recalcitrancy
- recalcitrant
- recalcitrantly
- reentrance
- refuse transmission
- remark
- remarkably
- remonstrance
- sexually-transmitted disease
- sexually transmitted disease
- side remark
- stock market
- strand
- strange
- strangely
- strangeness
- stranger
- strangle
- street market
- supermarket
- telepathic transmission
- the market
- timemarker
- toe the mark
- tooth marks
- trademark
- trance
- tranquil
- tranquility
- tranquilization
- tranquilize
- tranquillizer
- tranquilly
- transact
- transacted
- transaction
- transcend
- transcendence
- transcendent
- transcendental
- transcendentalist
- transcribe
- transcript
- transfer file
- transfiguration
- transform
- transformable
- transformations
- transformed
- transfuse
- transgression
- transgressiveness
- transgressor
- transience
- transient
- transilience
- transistor
- transistor hearing aid
- transistors
- transition
- transitional
- transitory
- translate
- translation
- translucent
- transmigrant
- transmission capacity
- transmit
- transmit signal
- transmitting
- transmogrification
- transmundane
- transmutation
- transort
- transparency
- transparent
- transpire
- transplant
- transport
- transportable
- transportation
- transporter
- transputer
- transverse
- transvestite
- trite remark
- ultranationalist
- uncomplimentary remark
- unmarked
- unremarkable
- unremarkableness
- urban transportation service
- was mark
- was off mark
- was off the mark
- x marks spot
- X marks the spot
Most wanted synonyms
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