Synonyms for loose cannon
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of loose cannon
- noun unpredictable person
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be loose
- cannabis
- canned
- canned do
- canned heat
- canned it
- canned laughter
- canned music
- canneds
- cannibal
- cannibalistic
- cannibalize
- cannikin
- cannily
- canniness
- canning
- canning do
- cannoli
- cannon
- cannon fodder
- cannonade
- cannonaded
- cannonading
- cannonadings
- cannonball
- cannoneer
- cannonry
- cannula
- canny
- cast loose
- casting loose
- CAT scanner
- cat scanners
- CAT scanning
- cat scannings
- CT scanner
- cut loose
- fast and loose
- fast-and-loose
- fast loose
- footloose
- footloose and fancy-free
- hang-loose
- hang loose
- hanged loose
- hanging loose
- hangs loose
- hell broke loose
- let loose
- letted loose
- loose
- loose cannon
- loose change
- loose-lipped
- loose stool
- loose stools
- loose-tongued
- loose woman
- loosely
- loosen up
- looseness
- on loose
- on the loose
- optical scanning
- scanner
- scanning system
- screw loose
- turn loose
- tying loose ends
- tying up loose ends
- uncanny
- unloose
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