Synonyms for like it is
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Top 10 synonyms for like it is Other synonyms for the word like it is
- above-board
- aboveboard
- absoluteness
- accurate
- actual
- actuality
- air
- angle
- apparent
- appearance
- artless
- authenticity
- bald
- ballgame
- bare-faced
- barefaced
- bargain
- basis
- bearing
- being
- bent
- blunt
- bold
- bona fide
- bottom line
- brass tacks
- brazen
- call a spade a spade
- candid
- candor
- capacity
- carriage
- categorical
- certainty
- certitude
- character
- circumstances
- clue
- cold
- concrete happening
- concreteness
- condition
- conscientious
- cool
- corporeality
- correct
- correctness
- credibility
- credible
- cue
- data
- dead-level
- dear
- decent
- deed
- demeanor
- dependable
- deportment
- detached
- details
- devout
- direct
- directly
- disinterested
- dispassionate
- disposition
- dope
- downright
- earnest
- easy
- emplacement
- entity
- equitable
- estate
- ethical
- evenhanded
- evidence
- exact
- exactitude
- exactness
- existence
- experience
- fact
- factual
- fair
- fair and square
- fairness
- faithful
- familiar
- fidelity
- flat-out
- footing
- form
- forthright
- forward
- frame of mind
- frank
- frankness
- free
- from the hip
- genuine
- genuineness
- gospel
- gospel truth
- guileless
- habit
- happening
- headset
- heart-to-heart
- heartfelt
- high-minded
- high-principled
- honest
- honest to God
- honest-to-god truth
- honesty
- honor
- honorable
- how it goes
- how it is
- how things are
- how things stack up
- impartial
- impartiality
- impersonal
- inclination
- info
- ingenuous
- inside dope
- integrity
- intelligence
- judicial
- just
- kosher
- laid on the line
- law
- law-abiding
- lay it on the line
- lay of the land
- leaning
- legit
- level
- like it is
- literal
- location
- lowdown
- man-to-man
- manner
- materiality
- matter
- matter-of-fact
- meant
- mellow
- mental state
- mien
- mindset
- mindtrip
- mode
- mood
- naive
- naked truth
- name of the game
- natural
- no fooling
- no lie
- no-nonsense
- nondiscriminatory
- nonpartisan
- notion
- numbers
- nuts and bolts
- object
- on the level
- on the line
- on the up and up
- on up and up
- open
- open-minded
- openness
- opinion
- order
- outright
- outspoken
- palpability
- pass
- perceptibility
- permanence
- perspective
- phenomenon
- philosophy
- picture
- place
- placement
- plain
- plain-dealing
- plain-spoken
- plainspoken
- plight
- point of view
- poop
- port
- pose
- position
- posture
- precise
- precision
- predicament
- predilection
- prejudice
- presence
- pretenseless
- pretensionless
- probity
- proclivity
- proper
- quality
- rank
- reaction
- real
- real McCoy
- real world
- realism
- realistic
- reality
- realness
- rectitude
- regular
- reliable
- repair
- reputable
- reputation
- riff
- right
- right-on
- righteous
- rightness
- routine
- saintly
- say so
- saying what one thinks
- scene
- scoop
- score
- scripture
- scrupulous
- sensibility
- sentiment
- serious
- set
- shape
- simple
- sincere
- sincerity
- site
- situation
- size of it
- slant
- solidity
- sphere
- spot
- square
- square-shooting
- stability
- stage
- stance
- stand
- standing
- standpoint
- state
- state of affairs
- station
- status
- status quo
- story
- straight
- straight stuff
- straight-arrow
- straight-out
- straightforward
- strait
- strict
- strictly business
- substance
- substantiality
- substantive
- sure enough
- talking turkey
- tangibility
- temper
- temperament
- the size of it
- transparent
- trim
- true
- true blue
- true-blue
- trueness
- truism
- trustworthiness
- trustworthy
- trusty
- truth
- truth-telling
- truthful
- truthfulness
- twenty-four carat
- twist
- unaffected
- unbiased
- uncolored
- unconcealed
- undeceptive
- undesigning
- undisguised
- undissembled
- undissembling
- unemotional
- unequivocal
- unfeigned
- uninhibited
- uninvolved
- unprejudiced
- unprepossessed
- unpretentious
- unreserved
- unrestricted
- unvarnished
- up front
- up-front
- upfront
- upright
- uprightness
- upstanding
- valid
- validity
- veracious
- veraciousness
- veridical
- veridicality
- verisimilitude
- veritable
- verity
- view
- virtuous
- way of it
- way things are
- way things shape up
- what you see is what you get
- what's what
- where it's at
- where one is at
- whole story
- wholehearted
- word
Définition of like it is
- As in objective : adj fair, impartial
- As in openhearted : adj frank
- As in sincere : adj straightforward, honest
- As in straightforward : adj honest
- As in truthful : adj accurate, honest
- As in veracious : adj TRUE
- As in plainspoken : adj frank
- As in straight-from-the-shoulder : adj frank
- As in straight-out : adj frank
- As in straight-shooting : adj frank
- As in forthright : adj straightforward, honest
- As in frank : adj completely honest
- As in honest : adj truthful, candid
- As in attitude : noun mental outlook
- As in position : noun posture, stance
- As in reality : noun facts of existence
- As in situation : noun circumstances, status
- As in veracity : noun truth
- As in locus : noun position
- As in veraciousness : noun veracity
- As in veridicality : noun veracity
- As in condition : noun circumstances
- As in fact : noun verifiable truth; reality
- As in facts : noun inside information
Antonyms for like it is
- abnormal
- abstract
- ambiguous
- artful
- belief
- biased
- boon
- complicated
- concept
- corrupt
- counterfeit
- deceit
- deceitful
- deceptive
- devious
- different
- difficult
- disarrangement
- dishonest
- dishonesty
- evasive
- excited
- fabrication
- fairness
- false
- falsehood
- falseness
- falsity
- fantasy
- flippant
- fraudulent
- friendly
- good fortune
- hard
- hot
- hypocritical
- hypothesis
- idea
- imagination
- imprecise
- imprecision
- inaccuracy
- inaccurate
- incorrect
- indirect
- inexact
- inexactness
- infidelity
- insincere
- interested
- invalid
- involved
- irresponsible
- lie
- lies
- lying
- meek
- misleading
- partial
- passionate
- prejudiced
- secret
- secretive
- shy
- solution
- subjective
- success
- tactful
- theory
- timid
- treacherous
- tricky
- trivial
- unclear
- uncommon
- unemployment
- unfair
- unfairness
- unimportant
- unjust
- unreal
- unreasonable
- unreliable
- unserious
- unsuitable
- untrue
- untrustworthy
- untruthful
- vague
- warm
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