Synonyms for lessee
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : le-see |
Phonetic Transcription : lɛˈsi |
Définition of lessee
Origin :- "one to whom a lease is given," late 15c., from Anglo-French lesee, Old French lessé, past participle of lesser (Modern French laisser) "to let, leave" (see lease).
- noun holder of lease
- The two detectives watched the lessee narrowly as that question was put.
- Extract from : « The Chestermarke Instinct » by J. S. Fletcher
- I was really manager most of the time, and lessee of the theatre.
- Extract from : « Clarence » by Bret Harte
- Gray-coat parson, a lay impropriator, or lessee of great tithes.
- Extract from : « The Slang Dictionary » by John Camden Hotten
- The lady is either the owner or the lessee of the Urania Theater.
- Extract from : « The Iron Ration » by George Abel Schreiner
- This was the opinion in the famous case of Martin vs. Hunter's Lessee.
- Extract from : « The Life of John Marshall Volume 4 of 4 » by Albert J. Beveridge
- He was sent on board by the lessee of the bar, who lived in Dubuque.
- Extract from : « Old Times on the Upper Mississippi » by George Byron Merrick
- The owner to whom the lease is given is called the tenant or lessee.
- Extract from : « Cyclopedia of Commerce, Accountancy, Business Administration, v. 3 » by Various
- The lessee pays a tenth of the produce of the soil for his right of cultivation.
- Extract from : « The English Village Community » by Frederic Seebohm
- Conductor, on The Apollonicon,—lent to the lessee for that night only,—Mr. Purkis.
- Extract from : « Bentley's Miscellany, Volume II » by Various
- Lessee has the right to renewal for ten years, rent not to exceed £3 an acre.
- Extract from : « Getting Gold » by J. C. F. Johnson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ageless
- aimless
- aimlessly
- airless
- artlessly
- artlessness
- aweless
- baseless
- be blessed
- be blessed with
- be careless
- be hopeless
- be timeless
- beardless
- become colorless
- blameless
- bless
- blessed
- blessed event
- blessed state
- Blessed Virgin
- Blessed Virgin Mary
- blessing
- blessings
- bloodless
- bloodlessness
- bootless
- bottomless pit
- boundless
- brainless
- brainlessness
- breathless
- breathless adoration
- breathlessly
- breezeless
- careless
- carelessly
- causeless
- ceaseless
- ceaselessed
- ceaselesses
- ceaselessly
- ceaselessness
- characterless
- colorless
- colorlessness
- comfortless
- companionless
- countless
- dateless
- dauntless
- dauntlessly
- dauntlessness
- deathless
- deathlessness
- defectless
- defenseless
- defenselessly
- defenselessness
- depthless
- designless
- directionless
- doubtless
- doubtlessness
- driftless
- earless
- edgeless
- effortless
- effortlessly
- effortlessness
- emotionless
- emotionlessness
- end-lessing
- end lessing
- endless
- endless supply
- endless time
- endlessed
- endlesses
- endlessing
- endlesslies
- endlessly
- endlessness
- energyless
- errorless
- expressionless
- eyeless
- faceless
- faithless
- faithlesses
- faithlessly
- faithlessness
- fathomless
- faultless
- faultlessly
- faultlessness
- fearless
- fearlessly
- fearlessness
- featureless
- featureless mind
- feckless
- fecklessness
- feelingless
- flavorless
- flavorlessness
- flawless
- flawlessly
- fleckless
- formless
- fruitless
- fruitlessness
- gainless
- garmentless
- give blessing
- give lessons
- goalless
- godless
- godlessness
- graceless
- gracelessness
- groundless
- guileless
- guilelessness
- gutless
- gutless wonder
- gutlesses
- gutlessness
- hairless
- hapless
- haplessness
- harmless
- harmless untruth
- heartless
- heedless
- heedlessly
- heedlessness
- helpless
- helplessness
- homeless one
- homeless person
- hopeless
- hopelessness
- husbandless
- jobless
- joblessness
- joblessnesses
- joyless
- joylessly
- joylessness
- juiceless
- knock senseless
- knocked senseless
- knocking senseless
- lawless
- lawlessness
- leafless
- leave defenseless
- leave helpless
- leaving helpless
- less
- less important
- less than
- less than half
- lessee
- lessen
- lessened
- lessening
- lesser
- lesson
- lessoned
- lessoning
- lessons
- lessor
- lidless eye
- lifelessness
- lightless
- limitless
- listless
- listlessly
- luckless
- lusterless
- made speechless
- make less
- make less sensitive
- make nerveless
- make sexless
- make speechless
- make useless
- making useless
- matchless
- meaningless
- meaninglessness
- measureless
- merciless
- mercilessness
- mindless
- more or less
- more or less so
- motionless
- motionlessly
- nameless
- namelessness
- needless
- nerveless
- nevertheless
- noblesse
- noiseless
- noiselessly
- noiselessness
- not hopeless
- not less
- not the less
- object-lesson
- object lesson
- objectless
- odorless
- offenseless
- orderless
- ownerless
- painless
- passionless
- pathless
- peerless
- penniless
- pitiless
- pointless
- pointlessness
- powerless
- powerlessness
- priceless
- profitless
- purposeless
- quenchless
- questionless
- rainless
- rainlessness
- rayless
- reckless
- recklessness
- regardless
- relentless
- relentlessness
- remorseless
- remorselessness
- rendering powerless
- restless
- restlessly
- rootless
- ruthless
- ruthless clearance of populace
- ruthlessly
- ruthlessness
- sapless
- savorless
- savorlessness
- senseless
- senselessness
- shameless
- shamelessly
- shamelessness
- shapeless
- shiftless
- shiftlessness
- sinless
- sinlessness
- sleepless
- sleepless eye
- sleeplessness
- soulless
- soundlessly
- soundlessness
- speckless
- speechless
- speechlessness
- spineless
- spinelessness
- spiritless
- spiritlessness
- spotless
- spotlessness
- spouseless
- stainless
- stainlessness
- starless
- stateless person
- stormless
- sunless
- tactless
- tactlessly
- tactlessness
- taintless
- taintlessness
- tameless
- tasteless
- tastelessly
- taught a lesson
- taught lesson
- teach a lesson
- teach lesson
- teaches a lesson
- teaches lesson
- teaching a lesson
- teaching lesson
- tenantless
- thankless
- thoughtless
- thoughtlessly
- timeless
- tireless
- trackless
- tuneless
- useless
- uselessness
- valueless
- was blessed with
- waveless
- weightless
- wifeless
- windless
- wireless
- wireless compass
- witless
- witlessly
- witlessness
- wordless
- worthless
- worthlessness
- zestless
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