Synonyms for blameless
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : bleym-lis |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbleɪm lɪs |
Top 10 synonyms for blameless Other synonyms for the word blameless
Définition of blameless
Origin :- late 14c., from blame (n.) + -less. Related: Blamelessly; blamelessness. Seldom-used blameful is recorded from late 14c.
- adj not responsible
- Betty's blameless father had been killed in the hunting field.
- Extract from : « The Incomplete Amorist » by E. Nesbit
- She was blameless, of course, but he was detestable beyond all count.
- Extract from : « The Tenant of Wildfell Hall » by Anne Bronte
- She led a blameless, unoccupied, and apparently purposeless life.
- Extract from : « Roden's Corner » by Henry Seton Merriman
- The other: “God sanctify you wholly, and preserve you blameless.”
- Extract from : « The Ministry of Intercession » by Andrew Murray
- That word "blameless" has always seemed to me particularly to fit him.
- Extract from : « A Writer's Recollections (In Two Volumes), Volume II » by Mrs. Humphry Ward
- But if the former were blameless, where is the justice of punishing them for the faults of others?
- Extract from : « The Electoral Votes of 1876 » by David Dudley Field
- Not that he considered himself fit for their blameless society.
- Extract from : « Audrey Craven » by May Sinclair
- To all outward seeming she led a most blameless and beneficent life.
- Extract from : « Victor's Triumph » by Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth
- If it be otherwise now, ask yourselves, are you all blameless?
- Extract from : « St. Patrick's Eve » by Charles James Lever
- He mentioned Marcus Aurelius, the Stoics, and their blameless lives.
- Extract from : « Mark Twain, A Biography, 1835-1910, Complete » by Albert Bigelow Paine
Antonyms for blameless
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019