Synonyms for keep the peace
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : pees |
Phonetic Transcription : pis |
Définition of keep the peace
Origin :- mid-12c., "freedom from civil disorder," from Anglo-French pes, Old French pais "peace, reconciliation, silence, permission" (11c., Modern French paix), from Latin pacem (nominative pax) "compact, agreement, treaty of peace, tranquility, absence of war" (source of Provençal patz, Spanish paz, Italian pace), from PIE *pag-/*pak- "fasten," related to pacisci "to covenant or agree" (see pact).
- Replaced Old English frið, also sibb, which also meant "happiness." Modern spelling is 1500s, reflecting vowel shift. Sense in peace of mind is from c.1200. Used in various greetings from c.1300, from Biblical Latin pax, Greek eirene, which were used by translators to render Hebrew shalom, properly "safety, welfare, prosperity."
- Sense of "quiet" is attested by 1300; meaning "absence or cessation of war or hostility" is attested from c.1300. As a type of hybrid tea rose (developed 1939 in France by Francois Meilland), so called from 1944. Native American peace pipe is first recorded 1760. Peace-officer attested from 1714. Peace offering is from 1530s. Phrase peace with honor first recorded 1607 (in "Coriolanus"). The U.S. Peace Corps was set up March 1, 1962. Peace sign, both the hand gesture and the graphic, attested from 1968.
- verb maintain order
Words or expressions associated with your search
- at peace
- be in keeping
- be keeping
- bookkeeper
- cashkeeper
- doorkeeper
- earn one's keep
- earned one keep
- earning one's keep
- fail to keep
- fails keep
- gamekeeper
- gamekeepers
- gatekeeper
- housekeeper
- impeach
- impeachable
- impeachment
- in keeping
- in keeping with
- justice of peace
- justice of the peace
- justice peace
- justice the peace
- keep
- keep a distance
- keep abreast of
- keep account
- keep afloat
- keep aft
- keep alive
- keep aloof
- keep an eye on
- keep an eye out
- keep apart
- keep arm length
- keep arms length
- keep at a distance
- keep at arm length
- keep at arm's length
- keep at arms length
- keep at bay
- keep at distance
- keep away from
- keep back
- keep bay
- keep busy
- keep calm
- keep captive
- keep clear
- keep clear of
- keep close
- keep close to
- keep cold
- keep company
- keep company with
- keep contact
- keep cool
- keep count
- keep dark
- keep distance
- keep down
- keep driving
- keep eagle eye on
- keep eye on
- keep eye out
- keep eye peeled
- keep eyes open
- keep eyes peeled
- keep feeling inside oneself
- keep fingers crossed
- keep forever
- keep from
- keep from falling
- keep going
- keep guard
- keep hanging
- keep head above water
- keep house
- keep in
- keep in check
- keep in contact
- keep in countenance
- keep in custody
- keep in existence
- keep in line
- keep in mind
- keep in reserve
- keep in sight
- keep in touch
- keep in view
- keep it down
- keep lid on
- keep mind
- keep nose the grindstone
- keep nose to grindstone
- keep nose to the grindstone
- keep nothing back
- keep off
- keep on
- keep on hand
- keep on one's toes
- keep on one toes
- keep on ones toes
- keep on toes
- keep on truckin
- keep on truckin'
- keep one going
- keep one nose clean
- keep one nose grindstone
- keep one nose the grindstone
- keep one nose to grindstone
- keep one's cool
- keep one's distance
- keep one's eye on
- keep one's mind on
- keep one's nose clean
- keep one's nose the grindstone
- keep one's nose to grindstone
- keep one's nose to the grindstone
- keep one's shirt on
- keep one's shoulder the wheel
- keep one's shoulder to the wheel
- keep one's shoulder to wheel
- keep one's shoulder wheel
- keep one's toes
- keep one's trap shut
- keep one shoulder the wheel
- keep one shoulder to the wheel
- keep one shoulder to wheel
- keep one shoulder wheel
- keep one toes
- keep ones nose clean
- keep ones nose grindstone
- keep ones nose the grindstone
- keep ones nose to grindstone
- keep ones nose to the grindstone
- keep ones shoulder the wheel
- keep ones shoulder to the wheel
- keep ones shoulder to wheel
- keep ones shoulder wheel
- keep ones toes
- keep oneself
- keep out
- keep pace
- keep pace with
- keep possession
- keep posted
- keep promise
- keep quiet
- keep reserve
- keep safe
- keep score
- keep shirt on
- keep shoulder the wheel
- keep shoulder to the wheel
- keep shoulder to wheel
- keep shoulder wheel
- keep sight
- keep step
- keep tab
- keep tabs
- keep tabs on
- keep tally
- keep the ball rolling
- keep the faith
- keep the lid on
- keep the peace
- keep tight rein on
- keep time with
- keep to oneself
- keep toes
- keep together
- keep touch
- keep track of
- keep trap shut
- keep truckin
- keep truckin'
- keep under
- keep under hat
- keep under one's hat
- keep under one's thumb
- keep under surveillance
- keep under thumb
- keep under wraps
- keep up
- keep up on
- keep up with
- keep view
- keep vigil
- keep waiting
- keep watch
- keep watch over
- keep with
- keep within bounds
- keep within limits
- keep within means
- keep your shirt on
- keeper
- keepers
- keeping
- keeping a distance
- keeping a stiff upper lip
- keeping abreast of
- keeping account
- keeping afloat
- keeping alive
- keeping an eye on
- keeping an eye out
- keeping apart
- keeping arm length
- keeping arm's length
- keeping arms length
- keeping at a distance
- keeping at arm length
- keeping at arm's length
- keeping at arms length
- keeping at distance
- keeping away from
- keeping ball rolling
- keeping bay
- keeping busy
- keeping check
- keeping clear
- keeping clear of
- keeping close
- keeping close to
- keeping cold
- keeping colds
- keeping companies
- keeping company
- keeping contact
- keeping dark
- keeping distance
- keeping eye on
- keeping eye out
- keeping eyes open
- keeping eyes peeled
- keeping fast
- keeping fasts
- keeping feeling inside oneself
- keeping fingers crossed
- keeping from
- keeping going
- keeping head above water
- keeping in
- keeping in check
- keeping in mind
- keeping in reserve
- keeping in touch
- keeping in view
- keeping ins
- keeping line
- keeping mind
- keeping nothing back
- keeping on
- keeping on one's toes
- keeping on toes
- keeping on truckin
- keeping on truckin'
- keeping one eye on
- keeping one's shirt on
- keeping one's shoulder the wheel
- keeping one's shoulder to the wheel
- keeping one's shoulder to wheel
- keeping one's shoulder wheel
- keeping one shoulder the wheel
- keeping one shoulder to the wheel
- keeping one shoulder to wheel
- keeping one shoulder wheel
- keeping ones shoulder the wheel
- keeping ones shoulder to the wheel
- keeping ones shoulder to wheel
- keeping ones shoulder wheel
- keeping oneself
- keeping out
- keeping outs
- keeping pace with
- keeping possession
- keeping promise
- keeping quiet
- keeping record
- keeping records
- keeping secret
- keeping shirt on
- keeping shoulder the wheel
- keeping shoulder to the wheel
- keeping shoulder to wheel
- keeping shoulder wheel
- keeping steady pace
- keeping stiff upper lip
- keeping tabs
- keeping tabs on
- keeping the faith
- keeping time with
- keeping to oneself
- keeping touch
- keeping track of
- keeping truckin
- keeping truckin'
- keeping under ones thumb
- keeping under surveillance
- keeping up
- keeping up on
- keeping up with
- keeping view
- keeping watch
- keeping watches
- keeping with
- keeping your shirt on
- keeps a distance
- keeps abreast of
- keeps afloat
- keeps alive
- keeps an eye on
- keeps an eye out
- keeps apart
- keeps arm length
- keeps arm's length
- keeps arms length
- keeps at a distance
- keeps at arm length
- keeps at arm's length
- keeps at arms length
- keeps at distance
- keeps away from
- keeps busy
- keeps calm
- keeps captive
- keeps check
- keeps close
- keeps close to
- keeps contact
- keeps dark
- keeps distance
- keeps down
- keeps eye on
- keeps eye peeled
- keeps eyes peeled
- keeps feeling inside oneself
- keeps fingers crossed
- keeps from
- keeps going
- keeps hanging
- keeps head above water
- keeps in
- keeps in check
- keeps in contact
- keeps in line
- keeps in mind
- keeps in touch
- keeps in view
- keeps mind
- keeps nothing back
- keeps off
- keeps on
- keeps on one's toes
- keeps on one toes
- keeps on ones toes
- keeps on toes
- keeps on truckin'
- keeps on truckin
- keeps one nose clean
- keeps one's eye on
- keeps one's shoulder the wheel
- keeps one's shoulder to the wheel
- keeps one's shoulder to wheel
- keeps one's toes
- keeps one shoulder the wheel
- keeps one shoulder to the wheel
- keeps one shoulder to wheel
- keeps one shoulder wheel
- keeps one toes
- keeps ones nose clean
- keeps ones shoulder the wheel
- keeps ones shoulder to wheel
- keeps ones shoulder wheel
- keeps ones toes
- keeps oneself
- keeps possession
- keeps promise
- keeps quiet
- keeps shoulder the wheel
- keeps shoulder to the wheel
- keeps shoulder to wheel
- keeps shoulder wheel
- keeps sight
- keeps steady pace
- keeps tabs on
- keeps time with
- keeps to oneself
- keeps toes
- keeps track of
- keeps truckin
- keeps truckin'
- keeps under ones thumb
- keeps under surveillance
- keeps under wraps
- keeps view
- keeps watch over
- keeps with
- keeps within bounds
- keeps within limits
- keepsake
- keepsakes
- made peace
- make a peace offering
- make peace
- make-peace
- make peaces
- makes peace
- making peace
- more peaceful
- peace
- peace accord
- peace and quiet
- peace conference
- peace enforcement
- peace god
- peace-loving
- peace march
- peace-mind
- peace mind
- peace negotiation
- peace of God
- peace of mind
- peace offer
- peace-offering
- peace offering
- peace officer
- peace pipe
- peace talk
- peace treaty
- peaceable
- peaceableness
- peaceably
- peaceful
- peaceful approach
- peaceful protest
- peacefully
- peacefulness
- peacekeeper
- peacemaker
- peacemaking
- peacemakings
- peacemonger
- peacenik
- peach
- peach fuzz
- peached
- peacher
- peachers
- peaches
- peaches-and-cream
- peaches and cream
- peachest
- peaching
- peachy
- peachy keen
- peacock
- peacocked
- peacockish
- peacocks
- peacocky
- Prince of Peace
- resting in peace
- safekeeping
- take up housekeeping
- temporary peace
- unimpeachable
- wage peace
- waged peace
- was in keeping
- was keeping
- watchkeeper
- zookeeper
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