Synonyms for in corporeality
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : in-kawr-pawr-ee-uhl, -pohr- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn kɔrˈpɔr i əl, -ˈpoʊr- |
Définition of in corporeality
Origin :- 1530s, with -al (1) and Latin incorporeus "without body," from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + corpus (genitive corporis) "body" (see corporal).
- As in spirituality : noun immateriality
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a corps perdu
- corporal
- corporal punishment
- corporate headquarters
- corporeal
- corporeality
- corporeally
- corps
- corpse
- corpselike
- corpulent
- corpus
- corpus delicti
- esprit de corps
- habeas corpus
- in corporate
- in corporates
- in corporation
- in corporeal
- in corporeality
- incorporate
- incorporation
- incorporeal being
- incorporeality
- megacorp
- press corps
- Scorpio
Most wanted synonyms
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