Synonyms for imperatively
Grammar : Adv |
Spell : im-per-uh-tiv |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪmˈpɛr ə tɪv |
Définition of imperatively
Origin :- 1520s, from Late Latin imperativus "pertaining to a command," from imperatus "commanded," past participle of imperare "to command, to requisition," from assimilated form of in- "into, in" (see in- (2)) + parare "prepare" (see pare).
- As in compulsorily : adv forcibly
- As in urgently : adv critically
- We imperatively require a perception of, and a homage to beauty in our companions.
- Extract from : « Essays, Second Series » by Ralph Waldo Emerson
- It existed in America and was imperatively demanded in Europe.
- Extract from : « Herbert Hoover » by Vernon Kellogg
- “We must not trust him or any of the others,” said Dirk imperatively.
- Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science, March 1930 » by Various
- "I wish to see you—I must speak with you, even if you have retired," she returned, imperatively.
- Extract from : « The Masked Bridal » by Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
- She let go his arm and imperatively pushed it from her, tossing her head.
- Extract from : « A Pair of Blue Eyes » by Thomas Hardy
- Also that it is 'imperatively demanded by the necessities of war.'
- Extract from : « The War in South Africa » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- "Go on," he said so imperatively that, with one long breath, Theodora began to read.
- Extract from : « Teddy: Her Book » by Anna Chapin Ray
- Now, herr,” he said imperatively: “put your arms round my neck.
- Extract from : « The Crystal Hunters » by George Manville Fenn
- The King, then in Hanover, was imperatively sent for home, and had to come.
- Extract from : « The Humbugs of the World » by P. T. Barnum
- "One moment, please," broke in the little general, imperatively.
- Extract from : « A Little Traitor to the South » by Cyrus Townsend Brady
Words or expressions associated with your search
- British imperial liquid measure
- categorical imperative
- female impersonator
- female impersonators
- give impetus
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- impeachable
- impeachment
- impeccability
- impeccable
- impeccably
- impeccant
- impecuniosities
- impecuniosity
- impecunious
- impecuniousness
- impedance
- impede
- impediments
- impeding
- impedings
- impel
- impelled
- impellent
- impellents
- impelling
- impencunious
- impend
- impendence
- impendent
- impending
- impenetrability
- impenetrable
- impenitent
- imperatively
- imperativeness
- imperatives
- imperator
- imperceivable
- imperceptible
- imperceptibly
- imperceptive
- impercipient
- imperfect
- imperfection
- imperfections
- imperfectly
- imperforate
- imperial
- imperialism
- imperialist
- imperials
- imperil
- imperiled
- imperious
- imperiously
- imperiousness
- imperishability
- imperishable
- imperium
- imperium in imperio
- impermanent
- impermanently
- impermeability
- impermeable
- impermissible
- impersonal
- impersonate
- impersonation
- impersonator
- impertinence
- impertinent
- impertinently
- imperturbability
- imperturbable
- imperturbableness
- imperturbably
- imperturbation
- imperviable
- impervious
- impervious to
- imperviousness
- impetrate
- impetration
- impetuosity
- impetuous
- impetuously
- impetuousness
- impetus
- limped
- unimpeachable
- whimper
- whimpering
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