Synonyms for illuminato

Grammar : Noun
Spell : ih-loo-muh-nah-tee, -ney-tahy
Phonetic Transcription : ɪˌlu məˈnɑ ti, -ˈneɪ taɪ

Top 10 synonyms for illuminato Other synonyms for the word illuminato

Définition of illuminato

Origin :
  • 1590s, plural of Latin illuminatus "enlightened" (in figurative sense), past participle of illuminare (see illumination). Originally applied to a 16c. Spanish sect (the Alumbrados), then to other sects; since 1797 used as a translation of German Illuminaten, name of a secret society founded 1776 in Ingolstadt, Bavaria, and holding deistic and republican principles; hence used generally of free-thinkers and sarcastically of those professing intellectual enlightenment (1816). Related: Illuminatism; illuminatist.
  • As in highbrow : noun intellectual, very smart person
Example sentences :
  • When Francis and Illuminato came before him they saluted him.
  • Extract from : « Brother Francis » by Eileen Douglas
  • To her he was always about Illuminato's age, a most beloved infant.
  • Extract from : « The Lee Shore » by Rose Macaulay
  • It gave him a disappointment ever new, that Illuminato should be so plain.
  • Extract from : « The Lee Shore » by Rose Macaulay
  • Hilary sat down and lit a cigar, and Illuminato crawled about his legs.
  • Extract from : « The Lee Shore » by Rose Macaulay
  • Only that morning his gold watch had broken, in Illuminato's active hands.
  • Extract from : « The Lee Shore » by Rose Macaulay
  • As the Sultan sat in his pavilion Francis and Illuminato were led in.
  • Extract from : « The Book of Missionary Heroes » by Basil Mathews
  • Peractoque cursu, ad Angliam redi artis tu plenus, Toriosque (ut vulgo vocantur) qui adhuc cÅ“cutiant et hallucinantur, illuminato.
  • Extract from : « A Book about Doctors » by John Cordy Jeaffreson
  • Francis and his companion Illuminato set out for Egypt with the intention of making straight for the Sultan.
  • Extract from : « Brother Francis » by Eileen Douglas
  • With that final decision they filed solemnly away, leaving Francis, Illuminato and the Sultan alone.
  • Extract from : « Brother Francis » by Eileen Douglas
  • He left him and went back with Illuminato from the Saracen host to the camp of the Crusaders.
  • Extract from : « The Book of Missionary Heroes » by Basil Mathews

Antonyms for illuminato

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019