Synonyms for hangar
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : hang-er |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈhæŋ ər |
Définition of hangar
Origin :- 1852, "shed for carriages," from French hangar "shed," probably from Middle French hanghart (14c.), perhaps an alteration of Middle Dutch *ham-gaerd "enclosure near a house" [Barnhart], or from Medieval Latin angarium "shed in which horses are shod" [Gamillscheg, Klein]. Sense of "covered shed for airplanes" first recorded in English 1902, from French use in that sense.
- noun large storage building
- "Bounce our bombs right into the open end of the hangar," Stan said, grinning.
- Extract from : « A Yankee Flier Over Berlin » by Al Avery
- "Must leave for the hangar at once," declared Hart, returning from the telephone.
- Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science July 1930 » by Various
- The last words were lost in an explosion which seemed to lift the roof off the hangar.
- Extract from : « Fort Amity » by Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
- "I'm glad to say you had no confederate in the hangar here," continued Craig.
- Extract from : « The Silent Bullet » by Arthur B. Reeve
- Meanwhile Kennedy took charge of the hangar where the injured machine was.
- Extract from : « The Silent Bullet » by Arthur B. Reeve
- I leaned against the canvas wall of a hangar, registering incredulity.
- Extract from : « High Adventure » by James Norman Hall
- He started, as a man walked around the corner of the hangar.
- Extract from : « Faithfully Yours » by Lou Tabakow
- Otherwise, they were alone, except for the guard at the hangar entrance.
- Extract from : « A Fine Fix » by R. C. Noll
- The aviator and his mechanicians were wheeling it toward the hangar.
- Extract from : « The Trail of the Hawk » by Sinclair Lewis
- When he rejoined them at the hangar, the plane already was on the skidways.
- Extract from : « The Radio Boys with the Revenue Guards » by Gerald Breckenridge
Words or expressions associated with your search
- able to be changed
- abrupt change
- American Stock Exchange
- archangel
- archangelic
- bhang
- bill of exchange
- change
- change in direction
- change of heart
- change of mind
- change opinion
- change position
- changeable
- changeableness
- changeabout
- changed
- changeover
- changing
- chump change
- cliff-hanger
- cliffhanger
- commodities exchange
- effecting change
- equal exchange
- exchange
- exchange blows
- exchange letters
- exchangeability
- foreign exchange
- futures exchange
- gat the hang of
- get in exchange
- get the hang of
- gets hang of
- gets the hang of
- hang
- hang a left
- hang a right
- hang about
- hang about/hang around/hang out
- hang around
- hang around with
- hang by a thread
- hang crepe
- hang down
- hang easy
- hang fire
- hang in
- hang in suspense
- hang in the balance
- hang it up
- hang-loose
- hang loose
- hang of it
- hang off
- hang on
- hang on words
- hang one's hat
- hang onto
- hang onto your hat
- hang-out
- hang out
- hang out at
- hang out with
- hang over
- hang sign on
- hang something on
- hang there
- hang together
- hang tough
- hang-up
- hang up
- hang up hat
- hang up one hat
- hang up one's hat
- hang up ones hat
- hang upon
- hang with
- hangar
- hangdog
- hangdog look
- hanged around
- hanged down
- hanged in
- hanged in there
- hanged loose
- hanged out
- hanged out with
- hanged over
- hanged something on
- hanged there
- hanged up
- hanged up hat
- hanged up one hat
- hanged up one's hat
- hanged up ones hat
- hanger
- hanger-on
- hangeron
- hangers
- hangers ons
- hangers-ons
- hangersons
- hanging
- hanging about
- hanging around
- hanging by a thread
- hanging by thread
- hanging crepe
- hanging down
- hanging fire
- hanging in
- hanging in there
- hanging loose
- hanging on every word
- hanging onto
- hanging onto hat
- hanging out
- hanging out with
- hanging over
- hanging there
- hanging together
- hanging up
- hanging up hat
- hanging up one hat
- hanging up one's hat
- hanging up ones hat
- hanging upon
- hangings
- hangman
- hangover
- hangs about
- hangs around
- hangs down
- hangs in
- hangs in there
- hangs loose
- hangs on words
- hangs out
- hangs out with
- hangs there
- hangs up
- hangs up hat
- hangs up on
- hangs up one hat
- hangs up one's hat
- hangs up ones hat
- hangs words
- hangup
- hast change heart
- hast change of heart
- have change of heart
- in exchange for
- interchange
- interchangeability
- interchangeable
- interchangeableness
- keep hanging
- keeps hanging
- leave hanging
- leaved hanging
- leaves hanging
- leaving hanging
- left hanging
- let hang out
- let it all hang out
- lets all hang out
- lets hang out
- letted hang out
- letting hang out
- loose change
- made change
- make change
- makes change
- making change
- medium of exchange
- new york stock exchanges
- nice hunk of change
- no change
- no changes
- one you can hang the wash on
- overhang
- overhanging
- paperhanger
- personality change
- piece of change
- policy change
- radical change
- revolutionary change
- sea change
- Shangri-la
- small change
- stock exchange
- sudden change
- total change
- unchangeableness
- unchangeably
- unchanging
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