Synonyms for hairsbreadth

Grammar : Noun
Spell : hairz-bredth, -bretth, -breth
Phonetic Transcription : ˈhɛərzˌbrɛdθ, -ˌbrɛtθ, -ˌbrɛθ

Top 10 synonyms for hairsbreadth Other synonyms for the word hairsbreadth

Définition of hairsbreadth

  • As in hairbreadth : noun small margin
  • As in whisker : noun slight or narrow amount
Example sentences :
  • Not by a hairsbreadth has all that has passed in the interval lowered you in my eyes.
  • Extract from : « When We Dead Awaken » by Henrik Ibsen
  • I think, mamma, I never depart a hairsbreadth from your will.
  • Extract from : « The Storm » by Aleksandr Nicolaevich Ostrovsky
  • You heard my terms, and nothing that you can urge will move me a hairsbreadth from them.
  • Extract from : « The Impostor » by Harold Bindloss
  • He was more than once within a hairsbreadth of death but at length he was brought by his master, Kakinathucca, to his home.
  • Extract from : « The Journal of Negro History, Volume 5, 1920 » by Various
  • It was a fit ending to the first stage of Canadian history—a hopeless venture, a confession of weakness, a hairsbreadth escape.
  • Extract from : « A Historical Geography of the British Colonies » by Charles Prestwood Lucas
  • Not a chink was visible, and the heavy bell would not move one hairsbreadth, notwithstanding all her efforts.
  • Extract from : « Fairy Circles » by Unknown
  • I would take good care not to lean a hairsbreadth towards radicalism.
  • Extract from : « The Story of My Life » by Egerton Ryerson
  • When old Henry Ford made up his mind on any p'int a cyclone wouldn't turn him a hairsbreadth—no, nor an earthquake neither.
  • Extract from : « Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1896 to 1901 » by Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • He had a habit of darting them around a wide circle of objects, without turning his head a hairsbreadth.
  • Extract from : « Adle Dubois » by Mrs. William T. Savage
  • We catch a word, a touch of flippancy, a suggestion of licence, a covert sneer which goes too far by a hairsbreadth.
  • Extract from : « Judges and Ruth » by Robert A. Watson

Antonyms for hairsbreadth

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019