Synonyms for golden calf
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of golden calf
- noun materialistic goal
- But it isn't; it loves the thrones of the world and bows down to the golden calf.
- Extract from : « The Christian » by Hall Caine
- The race is but temporarily deflected to the worship of the golden calf.
- Extract from : « Usury » by Calvin Elliott
- In other words, their worship of the golden calf was star worship.
- Extract from : « The Astronomy of the Bible » by E. Walter Maunder
- Why did the children of Israel want Aaron to make them a golden calf?
- Extract from : « A Manual for Teaching Biblical History » by Eugene Kohn
- Aaron confessed his sin in making the golden calf, and was forgiven.
- Extract from : « Best Stories from the Best Book » by James Edson White
- Take, for example, the case of Aaron making the golden calf.
- Extract from : « The Bible Of Bibles; » by Kersey Graves
- And what might they not have said and done on the article of the golden calf?
- Extract from : « A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 8 (of 10) » by Franois-Marie Arouet (AKA Voltaire)
- The question was: "Why did the Israelites make a golden calf?"
- Extract from : « Scotch Wit and Humor » by W. H. (Walter Henry) Howe
- The worship of the golden calf permits its votaries no escape.
- Extract from : « The Terms of Surrender » by Louis Tracy
- So was the golden calf, and so was Zeus; so were Thor and Odin, too.
- Extract from : « Master Olof » by August Strindberg
Words or expressions associated with your search
- Acapulco gold
- acapulco golds
- black gold
- calf-length slacks
- calf love
- calflength slacks
- go for the gold
- gold
- Gold Coast
- gold-dig
- gold mine
- Gold Rush State
- gold star
- golden
- golden age
- golden-ager
- Golden Bear State
- golden calf
- golden goose
- Golden Poppy State
- Golden State
- Golden Twenties
- golden years
- goose that laid the golden egg
- observe golden rule
- pot of gold
- Rube Goldberg invention
- search for pot of gold
- solid gold
- weight in gold
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