Synonyms for fortune-hunter
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for fortune-hunter Other synonyms for the word fortune-hunter
Définition of fortune-hunter
- As in fortune hunter : noun seeker of wealth
- As in venturer : noun adventurer
- As in adventurer : noun person who takes risks
- But who ever heard the opprobrious term 'fortune-hunter' given to a woman?
- Extract from : « Molly Bawn » by Margaret Wolfe Hamilton
- They called her an amorous widow, and Piozzi a fortune-hunter.
- Extract from : « Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL.D. » by Hesther Lynch Piozzi
- I a victim—I the prey of a fortune-hunter, or the slave of a brute!
- Extract from : « Cruel As The Grave » by Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth
- "A fortune-hunter," he murmured, with a meaning glance at Hall.
- Extract from : « The Gold Bag » by Carolyn Wells
- But that would be encouraging his son to be a fortune-hunter!
- Extract from : « The Man » by Bram Stoker
- There is nothing in the world more despicable than a fortune-hunter!
- Extract from : « Love in a Cloud » by Arlo Bates
- You can bear witness that I was not a fortune-hunter, said Philip, laughing.
- Extract from : « Dust » by Julian Hawthorne
- The mans a scoundrel; hes nothing better than a fortune-hunter.
- Extract from : « The Bishop's Apron » by W. Somerset Maugham
- Too late Mrs. Newton had learned that she had wedded a fortune-hunter.
- Extract from : « Bound to Succeed » by Allen Chapman
- I tell you he is corrupt to the core of his heart—a spendthrift and a fortune-hunter!
- Extract from : « A Changed Heart » by May Agnes Fleming
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019