Synonyms for finialed
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : fin-ee-uh l, fahy-nee- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfɪn i əl, ˈfaɪ ni- |
Top 10 synonyms for finialed Other synonyms for the word finialed
Définition of finialed
Origin :- "ornament at the top of a spire, gable, etc.," mid-15c., from fyniall "putting an end to, binding" (early 15c.), a variant of final.
- As in pommel : verb beat
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a finish
- a finishes
- ad-infinitum
- ad infinitum
- ad infinitums
- add finishing touches
- adds finishing touches
- affinity card
- affinity group
- blanket finish
- by definition
- confining
- de fining
- de-fining
- de finite
- de-finitely
- de-finitude
- defining moment
- definite
- definite plan
- definitely
- definiteness
- definition
- definitive
- definitive test
- definitively
- definitiveness
- definitude
- Doctrine of definite proportions
- fight the finish
- fight to the finish
- fighting to the finish
- fights the finish
- fights to finish
- fini
- finial
- finialed
- finialing
- finical
- finicking
- finicky
- finises
- finish
- finish as
- finish in front
- finish line
- finish off
- finish something
- finish up
- finish using
- finish with
- finished
- finished as
- finished off
- finished product
- finished something
- finished up
- finished using
- finished with
- finisher
- finishes as
- finishes front
- finishes something
- finishes up
- finishes with
- finishing
- finishing line
- finishing school
- finishing touch
- finishing up
- finishings
- finite
- in definitely
- in definiteness
- in finite
- in finitely
- in finiteness
- in finitenesses
- in finitude
- indefinite
- indefinitely
- indefiniteness
- infinite
- infinite spirit
- infinitely
- infinitesimal
- infinitesimalness
- infinitude
- just finished
- not definite
- photo finish
- photofinish
- re-fining
- re fining
- re-finings
- re finings
- re-finish
- re-finished
- re finished
- re finishes
- refinish
- to a finish
- unfinished
Most wanted synonyms
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