Synonyms for figment of the imagination
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for figment of the imagination
Définition of figment of the imagination
- noun fiction of the mind
Words or expressions associated with your search
- afterimage
- be the image of
- eidetic image
- eidetic imagery
- father image
- feats or tricks archimage
- figment of imagination
- figment of the imagination
- figment the imagination
- flight of imagination
- graphic image
- graven image
- image
- image management
- image of
- imaged
- imager
- imagery
- images
- imaginable
- imaginably
- imaginary
- imaginary line
- imagination
- imaginative
- imaginativeness
- imagine
- imagined
- imaging
- imagining
- imaginings
- imagistic
- left to the imagination
- mirror image
- pilgrimage
- spit and image
- stretch of the imagination
- unimaginable
- unimaginative
- work of imagination
- figment
- figment of imagination
- figment the imagination
- figmental
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