Synonyms for fastidiousness
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : fa-stid-ee-uh s, fuh- |
Phonetic Transcription : fæˈstɪd i əs, fə- |
Définition of fastidiousness
Origin :- mid-15c., "full of pride," from Latin fastidiosus "disdainful, squeamish, exacting," from fastidium "loathing, squeamishness," most likely from *fastu-taidiom, a compound of fastus "contempt, arrogance" and taedium "aversion, disgust." Early use in English was both in passive and active senses. Meaning "squeamish, over-nice" emerged in English 1610s. Related: Fastidiously; fastidiousness.
- noun thoroughness
- Heyst's dread arose, not out of shame or timidity, but from his fastidiousness.
- Extract from : « Victory » by Joseph Conrad
- The attitude of warding off reveals itself as fastidiousness and as bashfulness.
- Extract from : « Erasmus and the Age of Reformation » by Johan Huizinga
- But all the rich tremble before the fastidiousness of the poor.
- Extract from : « Appreciations and Criticisms of the Works of Charles Dickens » by G. K. Chesterton
- Then I found you, Elfride, and I felt for the first time that my fastidiousness was a blessing.
- Extract from : « A Pair of Blue Eyes » by Thomas Hardy
- Too much attention to dress and appearance is fastidiousness.
- Extract from : « Practical Ethics » by William DeWitt Hyde
- Fastidiousness is slavery to this or that particular style or fashion.
- Extract from : « Practical Ethics » by William DeWitt Hyde
- I would not permit these animals to laugh at any fastidiousness of mine.
- Extract from : « The Mutiny of the Elsinore » by Jack London
- It was the first time she had thought of his past with a sort of hurt pride and fastidiousness.
- Extract from : « Beyond » by John Galsworthy
- This reserve and fastidiousness were something rare in a pioneer community.
- Extract from : « A First Family of Tasajara » by Bret Harte
- The excess, into which she never fell, might have been a sort of fastidiousness.
- Extract from : « Political Women (Vol. 1 of 2) » by Sutherland Menzies
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be fastened
- be steadfast
- bed-and-breakfast
- bed and breakfast
- bedfast
- breakfast
- breakfast food
- breakfast time
- continental breakfast
- dangerously fast
- English breakfast
- fast
- fast and loose
- fast-and-loose
- fast-approaching
- fast breeder reactor
- fast day
- fast food
- fast-food outlet
- fast-food place
- fast-food restaurant
- fast forward
- fast-forward
- fast friend
- fast lane
- fast living
- fast loose
- fast on the draw
- fast one
- fast paces
- fast shuffle
- fast talked
- fast talker
- fast talking
- fast-talking
- fast talks
- fast track
- fast tracked
- fast tracking
- fastball
- fasten
- fasten on
- fastened
- fastened to
- fastener
- fastening
- fastens
- faster
- fastest
- fasthold
- fastidious
- fastidiously
- fastidiousness
- fastigium
- fasting
- fastinged
- fastinging
- fastings
- fastness
- get no place fast
- hard and fast
- hard-and-fast
- hard fast
- hold fast
- in the fast lane
- keeping fast
- keeping fasts
- Lenten fast
- lenten fasts
- life in fast lane
- made fast
- made fast buck
- make fast
- make fast buck
- pancake breakfast
- paper fastener
- pull a fast one on
- steadfast
- steadfastly
- strict fast
- thick and fast
- unfasten
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