Synonyms for false pretense
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of false pretense
- noun offense of false representation
- The people will see beneath the false pretense the bare, naked facts.
- Extract from : « Government by the Brewers? » by Adolph Keitel
- The wretch had left her on false pretense in a den of shame.
- Extract from : « Fighting the Traffic in Young Girls » by Various
- "It is a false pretense;" and she scorned all false pretenses.
- Extract from : « A Captain in the Ranks » by George Cary Eggleston
- I am obnoxious to a party, and they adopt a false pretense to cut me off.
- Extract from : « Harper's Magazine, Vol III, June 1851 » by Various
- So he flushed, and felt that he was obtaining the required permission by false pretense.
- Extract from : « The Revellers » by Louis Tracy
- These he scorned the more bitterly for their false pretense, demanding plain meat and a lot of it.
- Extract from : « The Wrong Twin » by Harry Leon Wilson
- “I have been arousing your sympathy by false pretense,” he said, and the laughter in his voice demanded a real effort.
- Extract from : « The Terms of Surrender » by Louis Tracy
- He always applauds a forgery, a false pretense, or a lie: he calls it a stratagem.
- Extract from : « Cyrus the Great » by Jacob Abbott
- He would not suffer her kindness under a false pretense; he could at least be honest with her.
- Extract from : « The Main Chance » by Meredith Nicholson
- She could not afford anything pretentious in dress, and she would make no false pretense.
- Extract from : « A Captain in the Ranks » by George Cary Eggleston
Words or expressions associated with your search
- bear false witness
- false
- false alarm
- false appearance
- false arrest
- false belief
- false clue
- false colors
- false currency
- false dice
- false face
- false-front
- false front
- false fruit
- false god
- false hair
- false hearted
- false-hearted
- false heartedness
- false-heartedness
- false hope
- false impression
- false imprisonment
- false knowledge
- false light
- false memory
- false-memory syndrome
- false money
- false move
- false name
- false oath
- false pregnancy
- false pretense
- false pretension
- false profession
- false show
- false show of emotion
- false step
- false swearing
- false tears
- false-teeth
- false teeth
- false testimony
- false tooth
- false trail
- false witness
- falsehearted
- falseheartedness
- falsehood
- falsely
- falseness
- falses
- falsetto
- falsettos
- falsies
- falsification
- falsified
- falsifies
- falsify
- falsity
- play false
- prove false
- retrospective falsification
- under false pretense
- be sitting pretty
- command-line interpreter
- false pretension
- interpret
- interpretation
- interpreter
- interpretive
- lack of pretension
- misinterpret
- misinterpretation
- preteen
- pretend
- pretended
- pretender
- pretending
- pretense
- pretension
- pretentious
- pretentiousness
- preterition
- pretermission
- pretermit
- preternatural
- pretext
- prettify
- prettily
- pretty
- pretty much
- pretty penny
- pretty speech
- re-interpreting
- reinterpreting
- sit pretty
- under false pretense
- unpretentious
- unpretentiously
- unpretentiousness
- use pretext
- vain pretensions
- without pretense
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