Synonyms for faith healing
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of faith healing
- As in alternative medicine : noun complementary medicine
- As in laying on of hands : noun christian rite
- In faith healing, God interposes and alone does the healing.
- Extract from : « Explanation of Catholic Morals » by John H. Stapleton
- Faith healing has been common in all stages of the world, has allied itself to all religions.
- Extract from : « The Hearts of Men » by H. Fielding
- Beneath all faith healing and kindred phenomena there are three pretty clearly defined bases.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- In following through the theories of faith healing we may take here either of two lines.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- Now all this, confused as it is, brings us to the threshold of a distinct advance in mental and faith healing.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- We find homeopathy, spiritualism, transcendentalism, theological liberalism and faith healing all tied up in one bundle.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- Most faith healing systems heretofore have depended upon some place, some thing, some healer.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- Officers said the preachers had been conducting meetings in rural communities and had preached on the subject of faith healing.
- Extract from : « The Necessity of Atheism » by Dr. D.M. Brooks
- This is the power of faith as illustrated in the various forms of faith healing, from mental science to Eddyism and the rest.
- Extract from : « Psychotherapy » by James J. Walsh
- I am aware that a new work has appeared on faith healing in which it is stated that certain sores may have a nervous origin.
- Extract from : « The Three Cities Trilogy, Complete » by Emile Zola
Words or expressions associated with your search
- articles of faith
- au fait
- bad faith
- be faithful
- be unfaithful
- break faith
- crystal healing
- failing health
- fait accompli
- faith
- faith healer
- faith healing
- faith in oneself
- faithful
- faithful rendering
- faithfully
- faithfulness
- faithless
- faithlesses
- faithlessly
- faithlessness
- gift of healing
- good faith
- had faith in
- hast faith in
- have faith
- have faith in
- having faith in
- heal
- healer
- healing
- healing agent
- health
- health insurance
- health walking
- healthful
- healthy
- ill health
- in good faith
- in good health
- in ill health
- in poor health
- keep the faith
- keeping the faith
- leap faith
- lose faith
- make healthy
- makes healthy
- mental health facility
- mental health institution
- of bad faith
- old faithful
- on faith
- put faith in
- unfaithful
- unfaithfulness
- unhealth
- unhealthfulness
- unhealthy
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