Synonyms for end product

Grammar : Noun

Définition of end product

  • noun things produced
Example sentences :
  • The details aren't important; all we are considering now is the end product.
  • Extract from : « Planet of the Damned » by Harry Harrison
  • In many starchy fruits, a small proportion of phosphate remains attached to the end product.
  • Extract from : « Smithsonian Institution - United States National Museum - Bulletin 240 » by Anonymous
  • It took them half an hour or so to sort out those materials each needed in his own contribution to the end product.
  • Extract from : « The Common Man » by Guy McCord (AKA Dallas McCord Reynolds)
  • You can grow wood either in natural stands or in plantations, and the end product is very little different.
  • Extract from : « Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Forty-Second Annual Meeting » by Northern Nut Growers Association
  • There is some ground for thinking that lead is the end product of the Uranium series.
  • Extract from : « An Introduction to the History of Science » by Walter Libby
  • The focus of the Nursing as Caring theory, then, is not toward an end product such as health or wellness.
  • Extract from : « Nursing as Caring » by Anne Boykin
  • The details aren't important, all we are considering now is the end product.
  • Extract from : « Sense of Obligation » by Henry Maxwell Dempsey (AKA Harry Harrison)

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