Synonyms for employment agency
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of employment agency
- noun employment search agency
- In May, 1865, an Employment Agency was opened, and continued for six months.
- Extract from : « Woman's Work in the Civil War » by Linus Pierpont Brockett
- In other words, he was running an employment agency for the benefit of the railroads.
- Extract from : « The Pullman Boycott » by W. F. Burns
- She had the address of an employment agency, furnished her by an acquaintance.
- Extract from : « What eight million women want » by Rheta Childe Dorr
- He had gone to the Texas employment agency and had an interview with that lady?
- Extract from : « Warren Commission (1 of 26): Hearings Vol. I (of 15) » by The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy
- This is an employment agency started about 1889 by the proprietor who came from Delaware the year preceding.
- Extract from : « The Negro at Work in New York City » by George Edmund Haynes
- It grabbed me by the neck and bent my pride and sent me off praying to find a place through an employment agency.
- Extract from : « The Blue Wall » by Richard Washburn Child
- The Appointment Bureau is an employment agency, and one of the most extraordinary employment agencies ever organized.
- Extract from : « The Women of Tomorrow » by William Hard
- The employment agency will notify you to appear at the barber college for an interview.
- Extract from : « Rebels of the Red Planet » by Charles Louis Fontenay
- And Rudi undoubtedly had a job by now, or at least a good chance of one through an employment agency.
- Extract from : « Hex » by Laurence Mark Janifer (AKA Larry M. Harris)
- My next step was to let an employment agency swindle me out of two dollars.
- Extract from : « The Conquest » by Oscar Micheaux
Words or expressions associated with your search
- administrative agency
- advance agent
- agencies
- agency
- agendas
- agendums
- agent
- Agent Blue
- agent blues
- Agent Orange
- agent-provocateur
- agent provocateur
- agent purples
- Agent White
- agent whites
- agents
- averageness
- be agent for
- be employed
- be employed by
- be gainfully employed
- by the agency of
- classic exemplar
- collagen injections
- contemplate
- contemplating
- contemplation
- contemplative
- double agent
- emplace
- emplacement
- emplane
- employ
- employed
- employee
- employee benefit
- employees
- employer
- employing
- employment
- employment agency
- employment agreement
- employment contract
- employment-opportunity
- employment opportunity
- employment possibility
- employment recruiter
- employment service
- espionage agent
- exemplar
- exemplary
- exemplification
- exemplify
- exemplifying
- fermentation agent
- healing agent
- in contemplation of
- inquiry agent
- intelligence agent
- law enforcement agency
- law enforcement agent
- Magen David
- magen davids
- magenta
- misemploy
- news agency
- not employed
- press agency
- press agent
- provocative agent
- quadragenarian
- quinquagenarian
- re-agent
- re-agents
- reagent
- talent agent
- temp agency
- templar
- template
- templates
- temple
- temples
- temporary agency
- unemployment
- was employed
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