Synonyms for electrician
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : ih-lek-trish-uh n, ee-lek- |
Phonetic Transcription : ɪ lɛkˈtrɪʃ ən, ˌi lɛk- |
Définition of electrician
Origin :- 1751, "scientist concerned with electricity;" 1869 as "technician concerned with electrical systems;" see electric + -ian.
- noun electrical technician
- India-rubber had been tried by Jacobi, the Russian electrician, as far back as 1811.
- Extract from : « Heroes of the Telegraph » by J. Munro
- These, also, make easier and bolder the electrician's tasks.
- Extract from : « Little Masterpieces of Science: » by Various
- The electrician put his hand in his pocket, hesitated, and then withdrew it, empty.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- It was very quiet in the room when the electrician answered.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- The Captain glanced from the electrician to Miss Preston and back again.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- The electrician managed to utter some sort of formality, but he couldn't have told what it was.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- Captain Perez gasped, and clutched the electrician by the arm.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- Captain Eri looked at the electrician's face; he saw nothing but determination there.
- Extract from : « Cap'n Eri » by Joseph Crosby Lincoln
- I believe in the methods of the chemist and the electrician.
- Extract from : « The Shadow World » by Hamlin Garland
- All of them; the electrician, the conductor of the band, she had them all at her feet.
- Extract from : « The Bill-Toppers » by Andre Castaigne
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- electrified
- electrify
- electrifying
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- electro plate
- electro-plated
- electro plates
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- electro plating
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- electrocutioner
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- electrolier
- electrolyze
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- electromotive force
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- electronic mail
- electronic media
- electronic message
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- electronic publishing
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- electronics technician
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- electroshock therapy
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- most electric
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- selectee
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- selective
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