Synonyms for divergency

Grammar : Noun
Spell : dih-vur-juh n-see, dahy-
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈvɜr dʒən si, daɪ-

Top 10 synonyms for divergency Other synonyms for the word divergency

Définition of divergency

  • noun difference
Example sentences :
  • On the other hand, when divergency is permitted, it counts for a great deal.
  • Extract from : « Progress and History » by Various
  • The relationship is sometimes one of divergency or competition of trades.
  • Extract from : « The Evolution of Modern Capitalism » by John Atkinson Hobson
  • Thus far we go together; but this is a point of divergency, from which we take very different directions.
  • Extract from : « Calvinistic Controversy » by Wilbur Fisk
  • Or, in other words, to that divergency of type which is so well insisted on by Mr. Charles Darwin.
  • Extract from : « Evolution, Old & New » by Samuel Butler
  • The inward spirit of our faiths is the same, and it is only in their outward manifestations that they present any divergency.
  • Extract from : « Legends & Romances of Spain » by Lewis Spence
  • This divergency of views on the part of the dogs also quickly put an end to their advance.
  • Extract from : « Winter Adventures of Three Boys » by Egerton R. Young
  • This divergency of opinion extends over the period of ten years, from 1349 to 1359.
  • Extract from : « Owen Glyndwr and the Last Struggle for Welsh Independence » by Arthur Granville Bradley
  • The divergency even of a second may amount to millions of miles if you only have your lines long enough.
  • Extract from : « All Around the Moon » by Jules Verne
  • Nor at first did it go far in furthering tolerance or respect for divergency of moral and religious convictions.
  • Extract from : « Reconstruction in Philosophy » by John Dewey
  • Obviously so much discussion shows difference of opinion, divergency of conception, conflicting interests.
  • Extract from : « Ireland as It Is » by Robert John Buckley (AKA R.J.B.)

Antonyms for divergency

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019