Synonyms for demography
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dih-mog-ruh-fee |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈmɒg rə fi |
Définition of demography
Origin :- 1880, from Greek demos "people" (see demotic) + -graphy.
- noun study of human population
- Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Washington, iv, p. 182-185.
- Extract from : « Handbook of Medical Entomology » by William Albert Riley
- Demology, de-mol′o-jī, n. same as Demography: the theory of the origin and development of nations.
- Extract from : « Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D) » by Various
- A study of the demography, the social, educational, and moral life of the anthracite regions.
- Extract from : « Introduction to the Science of Sociology » by Robert E. Park
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- demolishing
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- demoniac
- demoniacal
- demoniacally
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- demonical
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- demonstrate
- demonstrated
- demonstrates
- demonstration
- demonstrative
- demonstrator
- demoralization
- demoralize
- demote
- demotic
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- pandemonium
- practical demonstration
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