Synonyms for defier
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dih-fahy-er |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈfaɪ ər |
Définition of defier
- As in challenger : noun contestant
- Richard sent up his brows, and stared at his defier an instant.
- Extract from : « The Ordeal of Richard Feverel, Complete » by George Meredith
- In our way we passed along one side of the valley of Elah, where David slew the giant, that defier of the army of Israel.
- Extract from : « Early Travels in Palestine » by Arculf et al.
- Another order, and the guard of armed fighting men formed in a circle about the defier of their god.
- Extract from : « Astounding Stories of Super-Science, June, 1930 » by Various
- When a defier of the gods, like Ajax the son of Oileus, appears, the world approves him and loves him.
- Extract from : « Main Currents in Nineteenth Century Literature, Vol. III (of 6) The Reaction in France » by Georg Brandes
- As I looked, I said to myself over and over, "Is it possible this is a slayer of men, an eluder and defier of the law?"
- Extract from : « Mothering on Perilous » by Lucy S. Furman
- Man in Mr. Conrad's stories is always a defier of the devils, and the devils are usually put to flight.
- Extract from : « Old and New Masters » by Robert Lynd
- She came out of it the Isabelle of her early childhood—révoltée, enemy to authority, defier of God and the universe.
- Extract from : « The Cricket » by Marjorie Cooke
- It would be a mistake, however, to think of Theodore only as a controversalist and defier of the civil authority.
- Extract from : « Byzantine Churches in Constantinople » by Alexander Van Millingen
- For every one knew that Hilary Grendon, the prime mover, the defier of the Mercutians, had escaped.
- Extract from : « Slaves of Mercury » by Nat Schachner
- I am a defier of nobody; but if an end is not put to this war, there is an end to this country!
- Extract from : « The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. » by E. Farr and E. H. Nolan
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
- attention deficit disorder
- be deficient
- be deficient in
- budget deficit
- by definition
- color vision deficiency
- defiance
- defiant
- deficiencies
- deficiency
- deficient
- deficiently
- deficit
- deficit finance
- deficit financing
- deficit spending
- deficits
- defied
- defied gravity
- defies
- defies gravity
- defile
- defiled
- defilement
- defiler
- defiling
- definable
- define
- defined
- definer
- defines
- defining moment
- definite
- definite plan
- definitely
- definiteness
- definition
- definitive
- definitive test
- definitively
- definitiveness
- definitude
- Doctrine of definite proportions
- ill-defined
- ill defined
- illdefined
- in defiance of
- in definable
- in definitely
- in definiteness
- indefinable
- indefinably
- indefinite
- indefinitely
- indefiniteness
- learning deficit
- not definite
- undefiled
- undefined
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