Synonyms for deep dish
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : deep-dish |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈdipˌdɪʃ |
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Définition of deep dish
- As in bowl : noun hollow, concave container
- Lay the oysters in a deep dish, and then strain the liquor over them.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Butter a deep dish, and line the bottom and sides of it with paste.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Cover the bottom and sides of a deep dish with a thick paste.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Roll it out thick, and line with it the bottom and sides of a deep dish.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Then strain it into a deep dish or pan, and set it by to get cold.
- Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
- Peel and wash a pound of full grown potatoes, grate them on a bread grater into a deep dish, containing a quart of clear water.
- Extract from : « The Cook and Housekeeper's Complete and Universal Dictionary; Including a System of Modern Cookery, in all Its Various Branches, » by Mary Eaton
- Put the chips in a deep dish, and sprinkle on each layer a layer of the sugar.
- Extract from : « The American Housewife » by Anonymous
- Place in a deep dish one pound of beef or mutton or any kind of meat.
- Extract from : « The Khaki Kook Book » by Mary Kennedy Core
- Pour into a deep dish, cover with a plate, and put weights on it to press it.
- Extract from : « Housekeeping in Old Virginia » by Marion Cabell Tyree
- Rub through a sieve into a deep dish, letting it fall in a mound.
- Extract from : « Housekeeping in Old Virginia » by Marion Cabell Tyree
Words or expressions associated with your search
- be dishonest
- be knee deep in
- blandish
- blandishment
- brandish
- briny deep
- childish
- childish behavior
- childishness
- clear as dishwater
- cloddish
- cloddishness
- covered-dish supper
- deep
- deep blue
- deep blue sea
- deep-cut
- deep cut
- deep dish
- deep down
- deep-down
- deep-dyed
- deep-felt
- deep freeze
- deep-freezing
- deep fries
- deep fry
- deep in thought
- deep kisses
- deep laugh
- deep pink
- deep pocket
- deep-pocket
- deep pockets
- deep-rooted
- deep rooted
- deep sea
- deep-sea
- deep-sea diving
- deep seated
- deep-seated
- deep set
- deep-set
- deep six
- deep-six
- deep-sixes
- deep-sixing
- deep sixing
- deep sleep
- deep space
- deep-space ship
- deep think
- deep-thought
- deep thought
- deep thoughtfulnesses
- deep throat
- deep-toned
- deep trouble
- deep water
- deep well
- deepcut
- deepdown
- deeped
- deepen
- deepenings
- deeper
- deepest
- deepest mind
- deepest part
- deeping
- deeply
- deeply felt
- deeply ingrained
- deepness
- deeprooted
- deepsea divings
- deepseated
- deepsix
- deepsixing
- dish
- dish antenna
- dish it out
- dish out
- dishabille
- disharmonic
- disharmonious
- disharmony
- dishearten
- disheartened
- disheartening
- dishes
- disheveled
- dishevelled
- dishing out
- dishonest
- dishonesty
- dishonor
- dishonorable
- dishonored
- dishrag
- do the dishes
- dull as dishwater
- faddish
- feel deeply
- fiendish
- fiendishly
- fiendishness
- goodish
- in dishabille
- main dish
- modish
- off deep end
- off the deep end
- old maidish
- old-maidish
- oldish
- oldmaidish
- outlandishness
- prudish
- skin-deep
- Swedish bath
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