Synonyms for decor
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : dey-kawr, di-, dey-kawr |
Phonetic Transcription : deɪˈkɔr, dɪ-, ˈdeɪ kɔr |
Définition of decor
Origin :- 1897, from French décor (18c.), back-formation from décorer "to decorate" (14c.), from Latin decorare (see decorate). It thus duplicates Latin decor "beauty, elegance, charm, grace, ornament." Originally a theater term in English; general use is since 1926.
- noun colors, furnishings of a place
- There's not a man in the column you are looking at who is not decor.'
- Extract from : « Jack Hinton » by Charles James Lever
- Hugo has much to say of the pulchritudo and the decor of the creature-world.
- Extract from : « The Mediaeval Mind (Volume II of II) » by Henry Osborn Taylor
- An architect's skill is most often measured in the poem by his adherence to decor.
- Extract from : « The Art of Architecture » by Anonymous
- She had taken expensive rooms in a good location, and furnished them with the assistance of a decor store.
- Extract from : « K » by Mary Roberts Rinehart
- This was the decor of convention that Madame Sans Gene rendered classic.
- Extract from : « Royal Palaces and Parks of France » by Milburg Francisco Mansfield
- Orne looked around at the Bullone guest room: low key furnishings with an old-fashioned selectacol for change of decor.
- Extract from : « Operation Haystack » by Frank Patrick Herbert
- Clearly Vitruvius's rule of decor had not restrained even the publicists of Palladianism.
- Extract from : « The Art of Architecture » by Anonymous
Words or expressions associated with your search
- act with decorum
- be indecorous
- decoct
- decocted
- decoction
- decode
- decodeds
- decoder
- decoding
- decodings
- decollate
- décolleté
- decolor
- decolorize
- decolors
- decommissioned
- decompose
- decomposed
- decomposing
- decomposition
- decompound
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- deconsecrated
- deconstruct
- deconstructed
- deconstructionist
- decontaminant
- decontaminate
- decontamination
- decontrol
- decontrolled
- décor
- decor
- decorated
- decorating
- decoratings
- decoration
- decorations
- decorative
- decorative picture
- decorative wrap
- decorator
- decorator colors
- decorously
- decorousness
- décors
- decorticate
- decorum
- decoy
- in decorous
- in decorum
- in decorums
- indecorous
- indecorously
- indecorum
- re-decorate
- re-decorated
- re decorated
- re decorates
- re-decorates
- re decorating
- re-decorating
- undecorous
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