Synonyms for darwinian theories
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for darwinian theories
Définition of darwinian theories
- As in natural selection : noun evolutionary theory
Words or expressions associated with your search
- apostheosize
- apotheose
- apotheosis
- apotheosize
- atomic theory
- based on theory
- Bohr theory
- continuum theory
- darwinian theories
- Darwinian theory
- Darwinianism
- darwinianisms
- Darwinism
- darwinisms
- Dirac theory
- game theory
- general theory of relativity
- grand unification theories
- grand unified theory
- in theory
- lewis-langmuir theories
- lewis langmuir theory
- Lewis-Langmuir theory
- lewislangmuir theory
- Neo-Darwinism
- neo darwinism
- neo-darwinisms
- neo darwinisms
- neodarwinism
- neodarwinisms
- pantheon
- quantum theory
- rutherford theories
- Rutherford theory
- Schrödinger theory
- special theory of relativity
- superunified theory
- theocratical
- theological
- theorem
- theoretic
- theorist
- theorization
- theorize
- theorizer
- theory
- Theory of Everything
- theory of evolution
- theory of relativity
- unified field theory
Most wanted synonyms
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