Synonyms for congelation

Grammar : Noun
Spell : kon-juh-ley-shuh n
Phonetic Transcription : ˌkɒn dʒəˈleɪ ʃən

Top 10 synonyms for congelation Other synonyms for the word congelation

Définition of congelation

  • As in coagulation : noun clotting
  • As in cold : noun frigid conditions
Example sentences :
  • Congelation is crystallization, and all crystallization is electric, or magneto-electric.
  • Extract from : « The Philosophy of the Weather » by Thomas Belden Butler
  • Many singular effects of congelation may be observed, which change their forms in various parts.
  • Extract from : « Trans-Himalaya, Vol. 1 (of 2) » by Sven Hedin
  • No doubt they had tried to swim across at the moment of congelation, and had been unable to disengage themselves.
  • Extract from : « Principles of Geology » by Charles Lyell
  • The saline matter which sea-water holds in solution, prevents its congelation, except where the most intense cold prevails.
  • Extract from : « Principles of Geology » by Charles Lyell
  • Therefore, this salt must have been in a fluid state of fusion, immediately before its congelation and crystallization.
  • Extract from : « Theory of the Earth, Volume 1 (of 4) » by James Hutton
  • It forms near, and above, the point of congelation, and is often composed of crystals of ice or snow.
  • Extract from : « The Philosophy of the Weather » by Thomas Belden Butler
  • When the congelation is partial, those organs which have been completely frozen become gangrenous and are destroyed.
  • Extract from : « The Catholic World. Volume III; Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. » by E. Rameur
  • Mr. Stahl was the first, I believe, who thus made use of congelation, for procuring a very strong Acid of Vinegar.
  • Extract from : « Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. » by Pierre Joseph Macquer
  • Vinegar suffers no decomposition by the congelation of its phlegm, and the consequent concentration of its Acid.
  • Extract from : « Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. » by Pierre Joseph Macquer
  • There are therefore two ways of concentrating Vinegar, and separating its most acid part, namely distillation and congelation.
  • Extract from : « Elements of the Theory and Practice of Chymistry, 5th ed. » by Pierre Joseph Macquer

Antonyms for congelation

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